Wealth Daily Articles


Displaying (9323) Articles

Consumer Credit Falls Off a Cliff

Brian Hicks
Posted September 9, 2009

As lending restrictions and job losses continue to pileup, American consumer credit takes a significant nosedive.

The Higher Education Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted September 8, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper talks about higher education as it finds a place among the bursting bubbles.

"Recession Haircuts" and the New Normal

Brian Hicks
Posted September 8, 2009

The recession is getting bad enough that people are cutting back by cutting their own hair. It might seem strange but you shouldn't be surprised.

Economic Meltdown 2009

Brian Hicks
Posted September 5, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper discusses why the "bear market" rally may soon break down and reviews the week in investing.

The Truth About Washington and Wall Street

Brian Hicks
Posted September 4, 2009

Clip by George Carlin in which he nails it when he implies the real battle is between the powerful and the powerless—-not the daily pony show put on by the Republicans and the Democrats.

Wilbur Ross: 500 More Banks to Fail

Brian Hicks
Posted September 3, 2009

More from the brewing commercial real estate bust....

First Solar Stock

Brian Hicks
Posted September 3, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ take a look at the solar power sector. Is First Solar a buy, sell or hold? Steve provides the answers.

The Trillion Dollar Time Bomb

Brian Hicks
Posted September 2, 2009

For months, we've pounded the table over the risks of commercial real estate... and for good reason. It's a trillion dollar time bomb... And it's exploding as we speak.

ADP Reports 298,000 Jobs Lost in August

Brian Hicks
Posted September 2, 2009

according to ADP the U.S. private sector shed 298,000 jobs in August. That was considerably higher than the 213,000 jobs economists were expecting, weighing on the markets.

Portfolio Allocation Strategy

Brian Hicks
Posted September 2, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Brian Hicks reveals how he's allocating his portfolio in the coming months and shares some specific stocks he has in mind.

Angry Voters Ponder the Pitchforks

Brian Hicks
Posted September 1, 2009

it's not surprising that according to Rassmussen, 57% of voters would vote to replace the entire Congress. Although the election is still far off, political forecasters predict that Democrats could...

Lithium Battery Stocks

Nick Hodge
Posted September 1, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Nick Hodge discusses the coming growth and profit potential in the lithium battery market.