Wealth Daily Articles


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Housing Market Outlook

Brian Hicks
Posted August 24, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins takes another look at new U.S. housing market numbers and says the real money movement is in green building.

Nouriel Roubini Warns of "Stagdeflation"

Brian Hicks
Posted August 24, 2009

While Cramer and his friends may be convinced that market volatility is over, consumers seem to know otherwise, and it's a view shared by economist Nouriel Roubini who now sees a double-dip...

Have we Hit Market Bottom?

Brian Hicks
Posted August 23, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ comments on the ever-present clash between bulls and bears in today's market and the past week's top investment stories.

Mortgage Delinquencies a Set New Record

Brian Hicks
Posted August 20, 2009

More than 13 percent of American homeowners with a mortgage have fallen behind on their payments or are in foreclosure.

China Gold Production

Brian Hicks
Posted August 20, 2009

Gold World contributing Editor Greg McCoach details investment potential in China's gold industry and the best ways to invest.

Flip-Flopping Roubini is Bearish Again

Brian Hicks
Posted August 20, 2009

A pessimistic Nouriel Roubini flip flops on his position of the US economy. While he is bringing down his own reputation as a source there's always a bull market somewhere/

Solar Power Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted August 20, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at solar power stocks and the game-changing battery that may take millions off the grid.

Investing in Lithium

Brian Hicks
Posted August 19, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Brian Hicks talks about six lithium stocks projected to emerge as big players in a developing lithium battery bull market.

Long-Term Transportation Outlook

Nick Hodge
Posted August 18, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Nick Hodge draws on Ford's new plan to embrace efficiency and electric vehicles to map out the future of transportation for investors.

Robert Prechter Turns Bullish on the U.S. Dollar

Brian Hicks
Posted August 18, 2009

Here's another great interview that ran yesterday on CNBC. It's Robert Prechter discussing among things the markets and his bullish outlook on the U.S. dollar.

Australia's New Gold Discovery

Luke Burgess
Posted August 17, 2009

Gold World Managing Editor Luke Burgess reveals a new gold discovery in Australia and how a recent study's results from Down Under could pay off big.

Green Building in India

Brian Hicks
Posted August 17, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins reveals the bright spot he's found in depressed international real estate markets... as bright as 300% growth.