Wealth Daily Articles


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Underwater Mortgages Drive the Next Foreclosure Wave

Brian Hicks
Posted August 17, 2009

According to a recent report from First American CoreLogic, nearly one-third of all U.S. mortgages are currently underwater. In the meantime, the foreclosure tsunami rolls on setting one new record...

Biotechnology Stock Boom

Brian Hicks
Posted August 16, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper revisits an early 2008 call to buy biotech stocks, and reveals two safer ways to trade the biotech boom.

Biotech Research Companies

Brian Hicks
Posted August 13, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at biotech research companies and the brewing bull market in biotech stocks.

Give Bernanke the Boot

Brian Hicks
Posted August 13, 2009

After the geniuses at the Fed drove us almost directly to a depression, they think they deserve all the credit for saving us from the brink. Look at some of these numbers before you congratulate...

The Three Forks - Sanish Oil Formation

Keith Kohl
Posted August 12, 2009

Keith Kohl shows readers why the Three Forks - Sanish oil formation may soon eclipse the Bakken's success.

The Black Swan: "They're not removing the tumor"

Brian Hicks
Posted August 12, 2009

Here's the latest video from Nassim Taleb on an overall economic prospectus. Needless to say the "Black Swan" is still bearish.

VIX Volatility Foreshadows a September Sell Off

Brian Hicks
Posted August 11, 2009

As summer is quickly fading into the distance, take a look at what the VIX fear gauge is telling us now, as we prepare for September.

Hyatt Hotel IPO

Brian Hicks
Posted August 11, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper takes a look at why Hyatt Hotels filed for IPO in this market, and the three ways to profit from it this fall.

Smart Grid Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted August 10, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins reveals five top stocks tied to the smart grid juggernaut now sweeping the United States.

Catastrophe Averted, Bankrupticies Soar

Brian Hicks
Posted August 10, 2009

As government takes credit for averting an unemployment crisis, bankruptcies continue to escalate with no signs of slowing.

Geithner Urges Congress to Raise Federal Debt Limit

Luke Burgess
Posted August 10, 2009

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged Congress to increase the $12.1 trillion debt limit on Friday, saying it is "critically important" that they act in the next two months.

Silver Coin Mints

Luke Burgess
Posted August 10, 2009

Gold World Editor Alex Koyfman explains the pitfalls of buying overpriced silver bullion coins and how to make sure you never pay more than you have to.