Wealth Daily Articles


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Higher Education Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted August 8, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper talks about higher education as it finds a place among the bursting bubbles in our economy.

Behavioral Finance Theory

Brian Hicks
Posted August 6, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at behavioral finance and how emotions sometimes lead to losses.

Gold and Silver Prices Top 2-Month Highs

Luke Burgess
Posted August 6, 2009

Gold and silver prices rose to 2-month highs today after a US jobless report boosted sentiment in precious-metals trading.

The Commercial Real Estate Forecast

Brian Hicks
Posted August 6, 2009

Here's a great video on the current state of commercial real estate. It's an interview with industry insider Barry Goslin, and it's not all that positive.

2009's Best Biotech Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted August 5, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Brian Hicks explains why biotechnology is the hottest sector in the market today... and three plays investors shouldn't miss.

Underwater Mortgages to Push 50% by 2011

Brian Hicks
Posted August 5, 2009

Almost half of U.S. homeowners with a mortgage are likely to owe more than their properties are worth before the housing recession ends.

Tax Revenues Plunge, Spending Skyrockets

Brian Hicks
Posted August 4, 2009

The national revenue from taxes plunged, and it looks to do the same in the future, as the government pushes health care legislation. Who is going to pay this bill?

Stock Profits and the Economic Stimulus

Nick Hodge
Posted August 4, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Nick Hodge explains how he uses stimulus spending reports to profit from cleantech stocks.

High Frequency Trading

Brian Hicks
Posted August 3, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins takes a look at Washington's scrutiny of high-frequency trading, and what flash trading means in today's market.

A New Crisis is Brewing

Brian Hicks
Posted August 3, 2009

More than 1.5 million could be without benefits...

Roubini: " Light at the End of the Tunnel"

Brian Hicks
Posted August 3, 2009

Economist Nouriel Roubini says that the recession will last at least another two quarters, even in the wake of the newest numbers from the ISM index.

Only Fools are Buying into this Sector

Brian Hicks
Posted August 3, 2009

Some people are jumping in on commercial real estate, on the heels of a nonexistent rally. Why we and Deutsche are bearing on the long.