Wealth Daily Articles


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Commercial Real Estate Meltdown

Brian Hicks
Posted August 1, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper looks closer at what bulls with short attention spans seem to be forgetting.

The Next Wave of the Crisis

Brian Hicks
Posted July 31, 2009

Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? That's the $12 trillion question. Here's a bet that the next wave is about to come crashing down.

Short Term Gold Market Outlook

Luke Burgess
Posted July 31, 2009

Gold World Managing Editor Luke Burgess discusses how gold prices could top $5,000 an ounce, and explains what investors should do now.

U.S. Economic Prediction

Brian Hicks
Posted July 30, 2009

Wealth Editor Steve Christ take a look at the U.S. Economic Outlook and explains why it is a little too early to break out the champagne.

Price Future on Natural Gas

Brian Hicks
Posted July 29, 2009

Chris Nelder weighs the bullish and bearish factors of natural gas prices,and concludes the bears are all wet. It's time to buy gas.

Underwater Borrowers Shift the Wealth Effect into Reverse

Brian Hicks
Posted July 29, 2009

The biggest buying spree of all time, has lead to huge losses for millions. Now why so many underwater borrowers are shifting the wealth effect.

The Truth About New Home Sales

Brian Hicks
Posted July 28, 2009

The spin the government is driving out is maddening, and you don't have to believe what they are saying about the housing market.

U.S. Economic Bubbles

Brian Hicks
Posted July 28, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper identifies the next three sectors on his "bubble hit list" and shows how to profit from their eventual demise.

China Solar Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted July 27, 2009

Bears are groaning and bulls are nervous... at least they should be. The recent U.S.-led rally is overdone, from both fundamental and technical perspectives.

Warren Buffett is Dumping This Stock

Brian Hicks
Posted July 27, 2009

Sometimes, it pays to follow the billionaires. We have the skinny on the stocks he is dropping, and the ones he's bullish on.

Art Cashin's Stock Market Outlook

Brian Hicks
Posted July 27, 2009

Art Cashin thinks the markets are overbought at this point and is looking for something of a sell off into next week. Beyond that, he also sees more of "W" rebound longer term which he predicts...

Sanish-Three Forks Formation

Brian Hicks
Posted July 26, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper unearths America's hidden recession-proof secret and shows how to profit from this find.