Wealth Daily Articles


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No Recovery without a Bottom in Housing

Brian Hicks
Posted June 19, 2009

Wealth Daily publisher Brian Hicks explains what could be a decades-long bear market in housing.

The Outlook for Commercial Real Estate

Brian Hicks
Posted June 18, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Steve Christ examines the outlook for the commercial real estate market... and why you should run -- not walk -- from this disaster.

Gold Vending Machines

Luke Burgess
Posted June 17, 2009

In today's market, gold bullion can be bought from dealers, jewelers, auctions, private investors, and now from gold vending machines.

Smart Grid Companies

Nick Hodge
Posted June 17, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Nick Hodge takes a look at the stellar rise of smart grid stocks in the wake of high business and government interest.

Credit Card Companies Say "Let's Make a Deal!"

Brian Hicks
Posted June 17, 2009

With shrinking consumer credit, major credit card companies are looking for ways to gain anything from the piling delinquencies.

Prechter: U.S. to Lose AAA Rating

Brian Hicks
Posted June 16, 2009

The markets have suddenly gone from worries about the next Great Depression to talk of "green shoots" and "glimmers of hope." And in an uptrend that has seemed to defy gravity every step of the way...

The Obama Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted June 16, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper explores the Obama economic bubble, and how to profit when it pops.

Indian Gold Imports Fall in May

Luke Burgess
Posted June 15, 2009

India imported 17.8 tonnes of gold in May, representing an 11% decline compared to April and a 39% drop from May 2008.

Peter Schiff: U.S. Political Risk a Reality

Brian Hicks
Posted June 15, 2009

Guest columnist and Wealth Daily friend Peter Schiff uncovers a striking example of political risk in the U.S. government's treatment of Detroit bondholders.

The True Cost of "Cheap Goods"

Brian Hicks
Posted June 15, 2009

Bankruptcy and outsourcing are putting hurt on the traditional American industry worker.

The Plunge Protection Team

Brian Hicks
Posted June 11, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Steve Christ takes a look at the Plunge Protection Team and how the invisible hand moves the markets.

The 3 Best Ways to Invest in Gold

Brian Hicks
Posted June 11, 2009

Gold World research presents the 3 best ways to invest in gold in 2009, including where to purchase bullion, ETFs and gold stocks.