Wealth Daily Articles


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Blame the Federal Reserve

Brian Hicks
Posted May 27, 2009

Wealth Daily publisher Brian Hicks expounds on how the Federal Reserve helped cause the financial crisis.

Consumer Confidence Up, Case-Shiller Index Down

Brian Hicks
Posted May 27, 2009

Stocks have rallied, along with consumer confidence, even as the Case-Shiller Index falls hard.

The U.S. Treasury Bubble Springs a Leak

Brian Hicks
Posted May 26, 2009

With China warning the US about increasing the dollar supply, interest rates head higher, as the government announces billions more in debt accumulation over the next few years.

Foreclosures Were Bad Last Year?

Brian Hicks
Posted May 26, 2009

While foreclosures were bad last year they are only going to get worse as more prime borrowers are defaulting throughout several states.

The Crude Oil Market

Brian Hicks
Posted May 26, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper explores how to profit from investing in oil and its inevitable price surge to $75 -- even $100 -- oil.

Ron Paul's "National Nightmare"

Brian Hicks
Posted May 22, 2009

Here's the latest video from Ron Paul. What he has said for years about the Fed, inflation, the gold standard, and the role of government has all come home to roost. His new petition, however, faces...

Cisco Systems Stock

Brian Hicks
Posted May 21, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Steve Christ breaks down Cisco Systems' stock. Is Cisco a buy, sell, or hold?

Middle East Gold Sales Drop 27%

Luke Burgess
Posted May 21, 2009

Middle east gold sales fell 27% during the first quarter of 2009, compared to the same period of last year, as worldwide economic concerns and higher gold prices turned some buyers away.

CBO: Unemployment Headed Over 10 Percent

Brian Hicks
Posted May 21, 2009

How high will unemployment climb as we head into 2010? Here's the answer today according to the Congressional Budget Office....

Over 600 Banks Failed the Stress Test

Brian Hicks
Posted May 20, 2009

Over 600 smaller banks would have failed the same stress test given recently to the mega-banks and commercial real-estate loans could generate losses of $100 billion by the end of next year at more...

Green Shoot or Yellow Weed?: Uncle Sam Hands Out 'Cash for Keys'

Brian Hicks
Posted May 19, 2009

Another plan from the Treasury as home prices fall, mortgage debt increases, and foreclosures setting records.

2009 Economic Predictions

Brian Hicks
Posted May 19, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper offers his second half of 2009 economic predictions and explains why it'll pay off to listen to Meredith Whitney and not Legg Mason.