Wealth Daily Articles


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Zillow: 22% of American Homeowners are Underwater

Brian Hicks
Posted May 8, 2009

With all the talk of a prospective housing bottom, everyone is forgetting the bigger problem...the continuing decline in values that could reach as high as 40%.

The Black Swan: Crisis is "Vastly Worse" than the 1930's

Brian Hicks
Posted May 7, 2009

According to Nassim Nichloas Taleb the fundamentals will likely trump the green shoots of late, in the global economic crisis.

U.S. Treasury Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted May 7, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Steve Christ examines the U.S. Treasury Bubble and why Lou Jiwei may be the most dangerous man in China for U.S. consumers.

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Weigh In

Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2009

Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway had there annual stockholders meeting, and once again the Oracle of Omaha shows he still has the touch. Take a look at some of his talking points.

Bollinger Bands Explained

Brian Hicks
Posted May 5, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper examines why it's not always smart to use just Bollinger Bands in technical research.

Roubini Says Stress Tests Not Credible

Brian Hicks
Posted May 5, 2009

The banking bulls continue to insist that stocks will stay high, but, of course, long time banking bear Nouriel Roubini still says otherwise.

How To Short Emerging Markets

Brian Hicks
Posted May 4, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins uncovers the reality behind earnings forecasts for a Brazilian internet company and how you could make some money shorting it.

Hoenig: Let Troubled Banks Fail

Brian Hicks
Posted May 4, 2009

Dr. Thomas Hoenig, President of Federal Reserve of Kansas City is speaking today at Demos: A Better Way To Restore The Banking System. You can view that live conference and read his latest article...

First Quarter GDP Shrinks More Than Expected

Brian Hicks
Posted May 1, 2009

As expected, due to the current freefall, U.S. GDP shrank a bit the first quarter. Unfortunately, the shrinkage was much more than economists were expecting.

Gold Miners See Falling 1Q Profit

Luke Burgess
Posted April 30, 2009

Some of the world's top gold miners experienced significantly lower profits during the first quarter of 2009 as production costs increased and the market experienced a 2% decline in the average...

Swine Flu Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted April 30, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Steve Christ takes a look at swine flu stocks and why the best way to profit from the scare is located south of the border.

Consumers Struggle Amid Green Shoots

Brian Hicks
Posted April 30, 2009

The recession is not good. Consumers struggle as the heightened threat of job loss coupled with lower wages and benefits forces less spending.