Wealth Daily Articles


Displaying (9323) Articles

The Real Unemployment Number is Much Higher

Brian Hicks
Posted April 3, 2009

According to the Labor Department, the nation's unemployment rate jumped to 8.5 percent, the highest since late 1983, but the real number is much higher.

The $12.8 Trillion Financial Bailout

Brian Hicks
Posted April 2, 2009

Here's the latest figure on the potential cost of the massive bailout. Not surprisingly, it is a figure that just keeps getting bigger and bigger. $3 trillion bigger.

FASB 157: Mark to Market

Brian Hicks
Posted April 2, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Steve Christ explains why the relaxation of the FASB 157, or mark-to-market rule, has given the bulls some new hope.

There Is No Free Market in America

Brian Hicks
Posted April 1, 2009

Wealth Daily founder Brian Hicks dispels a longstanding belief about free markets in America.

ADP Employment Report Shows 742,000 Jobs Lost in March

Brian Hicks
Posted April 1, 2009

Another tough number in a market struggling to gain a foothold....

Options Trading Volume

Brian Hicks
Posted March 31, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper lays out more of his technical and fundamental secrets for finding options trades.

Case-Shiller Home Price Index Continues to Make Records

Brian Hicks
Posted March 31, 2009

As expected the Home Price Index showed no signs of relief for homeowners as the January numbers show another dubious drop.

Sales of Gold Teeth Increase

Luke Burgess
Posted March 31, 2009

You probably have seen commercials for one of the many companies out there right now that are offering to buy old gold jewelry, scrap gold, or unwanted gold coins. But here's a new one for you...

Japan's Financial Markets

Brian Hicks
Posted March 30, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins takes a look at Japan's past mistakes and current strategy for reversing decades of economic malaise.

Financial Crisis Investing

Brian Hicks
Posted March 30, 2009

Gold World editor Greg McCoach outlines the ten best investments for the financial crisis.

Detroit "Rocked" City

Brian Hicks
Posted March 30, 2009

President Obama gives some tough love to Detroit's auto community by issuing an ultimatum to both GM and Chrysler to get things straight.

Cap and Trade or Cripple and Rob?

Brian Hicks
Posted March 27, 2009

As you might have guessed, the proposed "cap and trade" legislation is nothing more than the latest proposed money grab by the fine folks in Washington.