Wealth Daily Articles


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Dr. Doom and The Black Swan

Brian Hicks
Posted February 13, 2009

Fresh off of their tour of the Davos World Economic Forum, Nouriel Roubini and Nicholas Taleb appeared on CNBC last week. Watch the video.

Stimulus Package Fails to Excite

Brian Hicks
Posted February 12, 2009

As the bailout works its way to a Presidential signature, it is becoming more apparent that it will land with dull thud—not quite the bang that has been promised.

Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)

Brian Hicks
Posted February 12, 2009

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ explains Treasury Inflation Protected Securities and why TIPS are a great hedge against higher prices.

$70K in his Boots... and Four Ounces of Platinum

Brian Hicks
Posted February 12, 2009

Christopher Warren arrested at Canadian border with a treasure trove of cash, money certificates, and platinum.

The American People Don't Care about Pork

Brian Hicks
Posted February 11, 2009

According to Senator Chuck Schumer, the American public just doesn't care about pork. Watch what he has to say.

Jim Rogers: "This is not going to solve the problem"

Brian Hicks
Posted February 11, 2009

Another great interview and the latest from Jim Rogers. Not surprisingly, he is against the financial rescue and thinks it will ultimately fail.

Wind Power Stocks

Nick Hodge
Posted February 11, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Nick Hodge discusses wind power stocks in light of new data being released about the industry.

Zandi Sees Housing Bottom in 2009

Brian Hicks
Posted February 10, 2009

Mark Zandi, chief economist with Moody's Analytics, is bullish on housing for 2009. We have six reasons why he is wrong.

Investing in Currency ETFs

Luke Burgess
Posted February 10, 2009

Gold World editor Luke Burgess shares how to profit by investing in several currency ETFs for a falling U.S. dollar.

Online Gambling Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted February 10, 2009

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper takes a look at online gambling stock - Barney Frank's latest initiative and how it'll benefit investors.

Investing in Africa

Brian Hicks
Posted February 9, 2009

Editor Sam Hopkins discusses investing in African stocks and the major opportunities developing in the expansion of access to African investments.

The $9.7 Trillion Bailout

Brian Hicks
Posted February 9, 2009

The stimulus package the U.S. Congress is completing would raise the government's commitment to solving the financial crisis to $9.7 trillion. And taxpayers are on the hook.