Wealth Daily Articles


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2009 Gold Outlook

Luke Burgess
Posted January 5, 2009

Gold World offers its 2009 Gold Outlook, explaining how to invest in gold and what to expect.

December Auto Sales Fall Again, Honda and Toyota Lead Decline

Brian Hicks
Posted January 5, 2009

The slide in auto sales continues, as consumers are choosing to hang on to watch they have. Even Honda and Toyota are taking a beating.

So Long 2008, Welcome in 2009

Brian Hicks
Posted January 2, 2009

Take a look at a year in review. After reading these numbers, we are all going to be happy to see the most volatile year ever fade into oblivion.

The Water Sector

Nick Hodge
Posted December 31, 2008

Wealth Daily editor describes the forming bull market in the water sector and let's readers know how they can take advantage.

Jim Rogers on the 2009 Market Outlook

Brian Hicks
Posted December 31, 2008

Here's another great video from Jim Rogers. Jim, as usual, covers it all and isn't afraid to tell us what he really thinks.

The Worst Market Predictions of 2008

Brian Hicks
Posted December 30, 2008

We warned of the coming subprime collapse and the impending doom that we're now privy to. Take a look at some of these quotes.

The U.S. Treasury Bond Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted December 30, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper examines the U.S. Treasury Bond bubbles, and how to play its eventual "pop."

Case-Shiller Home Price Index Slips Again

Brian Hicks
Posted December 30, 2008

Here is the latest home price data from the Case-Shiller Index. As expected, home values continued to take it on the chin in October.

Washington Mutual's Dirty Laundry

Brian Hicks
Posted December 29, 2008

Here's another great look at how the mortgage train came so far off the tracks. It's on Washington Mutual, courtesy of the New York Times, and it's well worth the read.

Brazilian Stocks in 2009

Brian Hicks
Posted December 29, 2008

Editor Sam Hopkins lays out the case for investing in Brazilian stocks in 2009, including some of the biggest players.

Ten Municipal Bankruptcies Expected in 2009

Brian Hicks
Posted December 29, 2008

Sure, Option ARM resets will wreak havoc on defaults and foreclosure rates, but that's the least of our concerns, with the coming municipal bankruptcies.

2009 Stock Market Outlook

Brian Hicks
Posted December 28, 2008

Publisher Brian Hicks gives a quick sneak peak at his 2009 Stock Market Outlook in what the Chinese call the year of the ox.