Wealth Daily Articles


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Investments in India

Brian Hicks
Posted December 1, 2008

Editor Sam Hopkins takes a look at India's investment and economic outlook in the wake of the recent terror attacks in Mumbai.

Recession Began in December 2007

Brian Hicks
Posted December 1, 2008

we were always told we were wrong about the recession. We may have to wait six months for the "experts" to make the official announcement, but truth is we're already there, we once said. And we were...

3 Rules for Today's Markets

Brian Hicks
Posted November 28, 2008

Brian Hicks gives some insight into his own personal investment decisions on this special Thanksgiving Weekend issue of Wealth Daily.

Thanksgiving in America

Brian Hicks
Posted November 27, 2008

Despite the financial upheaval this past fall, there are some things to be thankful for today as we celebrate Thanksgiving.

World Gold Production

Brian Hicks
Posted November 26, 2008

Gold World Staff reports that as world gold production falls, and demand increases, we will see an imminent boost in gold prices and investor portfolios.

Infrastructure Stocks

Nick Hodge
Posted November 26, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Nick Hodge discusses the possibility of a second economic stimulus that could initiate a run on infrastructure stocks.

Hitler and the Housing Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted November 26, 2008

A brilliant look at the housing market through a dubbed video of Hitler. Despite their separate negative connotations, the combination is classic.

Electronic Stock Exchanges

Brian Hicks
Posted November 25, 2008

Editor Sam Hopkins takes you inside the high-speed trading technology of the Kansas City-based BATS Exchange.

Case-Shiller Index Sets Another Record

Brian Hicks
Posted November 25, 2008

Home prices according to the Case-Shiller Index continue to free fall. Of course, that is not exactly news these days but here's the skinny on the new figures nonetheless.

Why We're Bearish on Credit Cards

Brian Hicks
Posted November 25, 2008

Is any one really surprised that credit card companies are next to fall?

Home Prices Tumble, Foreclosure Sales Rise

Brian Hicks
Posted November 24, 2008

Despite a surge in the Dow, and President elect's announcement on his economic team, home prices fall again for October. Take a look at our graph of the sale price for existing homes.

Campbell's Soup Beats the Bear

Brian Hicks
Posted November 21, 2008

As the economy and consumerism looks bleak, many are turning to Campbell's soup for a solution in more ways than one.