Wealth Daily Articles


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Kinross Gold Corp

Luke Burgess
Posted November 6, 2008

Kinross Gold Corp reports 64% increase in 3Q profits

Meredith Whitney Says Banks are Still Expensive

Brian Hicks
Posted November 6, 2008

Meredith Whitney was right about Citibank back in 2007, and she has more pointed predictions for financial stocks in the coming months.

Gold and Politics

Brian Hicks
Posted November 5, 2008

Gold World Staff compares the performance of gold prices as they relate to U.S. presidential political affiliations.

ADP Reports 157,000 Jobs Lost in October

Brian Hicks
Posted November 5, 2008

Judging from the news today, Friday's job report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) will likely be one that rattles the markets. Companies in the U.S. cut an estimated 157,000 jobs in...

Yamana Gold News

Luke Burgess
Posted November 5, 2008

Gold World editor Luke Burgess updates Yamana Gold News

Invest in Wind Energy

Nick Hodge
Posted November 5, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Nick Hodge discusses the benefits of investing in wind energy, and shares how you can get a piece of the action.

Investing in Seasonal Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted November 4, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper takes a look at a seasonal stock that jumps every holiday season.

Auto Sales Plummet, GM and Ford Meet Demand Destruction

Brian Hicks
Posted November 3, 2008

General Motors' October U.S. sales plunged 45 percent and Ford's dropped 30 percent, as low consumer confidence and tight credit combined to scare customers away from showrooms. The results released...

Video: Obama Gives McCain the Middle Finger?

Luke Burgess
Posted November 3, 2008

Days before the presidential election, democratic candidate Barrack Obama may be sending some subtle messages on what he thinks about republican John McCain. This video may be surprising.

Shafted by Lehman? Get in Line.

Brian Hicks
Posted November 3, 2008

The list of Lehman's Brothers creditors is running pretty long these days, and some of the money missing is quite staggering.

Video: Charlie Gasparino CNBC Flipout

Luke Burgess
Posted October 31, 2008

There was a strange and hilarious exchange between Dylan Ratigan and the always controversial Charlie Gasparino near the end of the day on CNBC Thursday.

Upside-Down Mortgages Drive Foreclosures

Brian Hicks
Posted October 31, 2008

With all of the talk in the news lately about the government modifying loans to make them more affordable, the bigger problem here is the continuing decline in values that could reach as high as 30%...