Wealth Daily Articles


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WaMu Seized, Wachovia and National City Tumble

Brian Hicks
Posted September 26, 2008

After the market close yesterday, Washington Mutual slipped beneath the waves, raising fears that both Wachovia and National City may be next.

California Home Prices Plummet

Brian Hicks
Posted September 25, 2008

California home prices tumbled a record 41 percent in August from a year earlier as foreclosure sales pushed down values in the biggest U.S. state.

This Is When Fortunes Are Made

Brian Hicks
Posted September 25, 2008

Wealth Daily Publisher Brian Hicks shares why right now, with the entire U.S. economy in the balance, is the time when fortunes are made.

Renewable Energy Tax Credits

Nick Hodge
Posted September 24, 2008

Nick Hodge discusses the recent passage of major energy legislation regarding renewable energy tax credits, and what it means for investors.

Housing and the $1.8 Trillion Bailout

Brian Hicks
Posted September 24, 2008

As Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson testified before Congress looking for a blank check to fix the financial crisis, most senators are left discouraged after given a series of troublesome and vague...

Options Intrinsic Value

Brian Hicks
Posted September 23, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper explains options investing with regards to intrinsic value, and shows how to maximize gains.

The Bailout Will "Crush" the Dollar Analysts Say

Brian Hicks
Posted September 22, 2008

Don't look now but inflation is back. But we shouldn't be surprised. Here's the skinny of the bailout fears courtesy of Bloomberg.

International Bank Bailouts

Brian Hicks
Posted September 22, 2008

Editor Sam Hopkins looks at the Treasury's new plan to extend help to international banks with big U.S. operations.

The U.S. Financial Market

Brian Hicks
Posted September 20, 2008

Options Trading Pit Editor Ian Cooper weighs in on the U.S. financial market, and where the money's being made in the current melee.

Investing in China ETFs

Brian Hicks
Posted September 19, 2008

Editor Sam Hopkins shows how Beijing observers are learning from Washington mistakes... and why investing in China ETFs is a smart play.

The Mother of All Bailouts

Brian Hicks
Posted September 19, 2008

Freddie and Fannie weren't the only government sponsored entities. The entire financial sector was backed up too. They just didn't bother telling us. Here are the sketchy details.

Wall Street Withers, Main Street Teeters

Brian Hicks
Posted September 18, 2008

Lost in all the mayhem of potential financial collapse on Wall Street, was the state of Main Street. Here's the skinny on what we are looking at.