Wealth Daily Articles


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American Express Stock

Brian Hicks
Posted July 29, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper revisits his July 5 argument against owning American Express stock, and explores why AXP is still a short.

Case-Shiller Index Marks Record Declines

Brian Hicks
Posted July 29, 2008

Where they stop nobody knows, but anyway you slice it the numbers are ugly and getting worse for the Case-Shiller Index.

Keep Chesapeake Energy on Radar

Brian Hicks
Posted July 28, 2008

CNPC is "thinking" about bidding for minority stakes...

White House Lowers Growth Estimates

Brian Hicks
Posted July 28, 2008

Thanks to housing, energy, financial, and unemployment fiascos...

"We're saying no to almost everybody"

Brian Hicks
Posted July 28, 2008

Companies that rely on credit are now delaying and canceling expansion plans

Banana Republic Bail Out

Brian Hicks
Posted July 28, 2008

This bail out isn't for you...it's for the big boys

International Growth Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted July 28, 2008

Editor Sam Hopkins takes a look at where international growth stocks stand today and the best ways to reap profits tomorrow.

Biotech Boom

Brian Hicks
Posted July 26, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper revisits Brian Hicks' November 2007 call for the biotech boom, and the must own stock of the year.

Foreclosure Picture Worsens...Up 121%

Brian Hicks
Posted July 25, 2008

Foreclosures are up so much it may force predictions to be rethought on the forecast of foreclosures in the coming months.

The Bottom of the Housing Market

Brian Hicks
Posted July 24, 2008

With the latest housing bubble rescue on the way, Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the underlying reasons it will eventually fail.

Wachovia's Option ARM Debacle

Brian Hicks
Posted July 24, 2008

One of the biggest instruments of the mortgage and housing debacle, the Option ARM loans, have come back to haunt Wachovia.

Green Energy Investing

Nick Hodge
Posted July 23, 2008

Green Chip editor Nick Hodge pores over last year's green energy investing data and reveals where to score the profitable investments...