Wealth Daily Articles


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The Gingrich & Boone Pickens Energy Plans

Brian Hicks
Posted July 16, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Brian Hicks reviews two national energy plans proposed by Newt Gingrich and T. Boone Pickens.

Stooges Testify, Inflation Soars

Brian Hicks
Posted July 16, 2008

As Bernanke testifies on inflation, the PPI tells a different story. Where prices and inflation are headed and what it means for consumer spending.

Further Downside for American Express

Brian Hicks
Posted July 15, 2008

we see further downside for shares of AXP, and would recommend that you buy the American Express (AXP) October 2008 27.50 put (AXPVA). American Express (AXP) continues to be a favored short. If you...

Copper Mining Companies

Brian Hicks
Posted July 15, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper explores global copper demand and why mining companies like Southern Copper are a buy right now.

AutoNation Death Spiral

Brian Hicks
Posted July 15, 2008

It looks like economic hardship will send AutoNation further south, while our new options product is coming in the next two weeks.

Jim Bunning Nails it

Brian Hicks
Posted July 15, 2008

Openly questioning the credibility and mission of the Fed itself, Jim Bunning lets Ben Barnanke have it as the chairman's plan lays in ruin.

Freddie, Fannie, and IndyMac....Oh My!

Brian Hicks
Posted July 14, 2008

After a bad week, including the sinking of IndyMac, many were calling for a rally; however, fear has sunk in and this may only be the tip of the iceberg.

Pelosi on Bush

Brian Hicks
Posted July 14, 2008

It's Nancy Pelosi on President Bush's announcement that he was lifting the executive ban on drilling in protected coastal areas. She has some harsh remarks.

Late, The Fed is Here to Help

Brian Hicks
Posted July 14, 2008

In a move to protect homeowners from "shady lending practices that have contributed to the housing crisis and propelled foreclosures to record highs," the Fed just approved a plan that would cut...

Swiss Investments

Brian Hicks
Posted July 14, 2008

Wealth Daily Editor Sam Hopkins offers 3 Swiss investments that can help fortify any investor's portfolio.

How to Play "Unmitigated Disaster"

Brian Hicks
Posted July 14, 2008

Everything is not okay, as Dodd would have you believe.

Solar Power Investments

Brian Hicks
Posted July 10, 2008

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at solar power investments and the companies changing the future of energy.