Wealth Daily Articles


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Masco Chairman Gets Bullish...

Brian Hicks
Posted June 2, 2008

Lumber and wood producer Masco Corporation (MAS) is seeing its third day of call option buying activity. But don't be so quick to buy.

$12 to $15 at the pump... eventually?

Brian Hicks
Posted June 2, 2008

We've all heard the $200 forecast... but $12 to $15?

Canadian Investments

Brian Hicks
Posted June 2, 2008

Editor Sam Hopkins reports from Montreal on some key disputes that may affect your Canadian investments and the state of the Canadian economy.

Investing in Petrobras

Brian Hicks
Posted May 30, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper explores why investing in Petrobras is a smart move and reveals the stock's $100 potential.

Consumer Confidence Hits 28 Year Low

Brian Hicks
Posted May 30, 2008

US consumer confidence hits lowest point since 1980. Report on the current and future of inflation.

Richard W. Fisher Nails It

Brian Hicks
Posted May 29, 2008

Richard W. Fisher, head of the Dallas Fed, gives a excellent but sobering speech on the state and future of the economy. What he sees as a storm on the horizon.

Nuclear Energy Investments

Brian Hicks
Posted May 29, 2008

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at nuclear energy investments and the $22 trillion-plus that will be need to avert the energy crisis.

Dow Chemical Raises Prices 20%

Brian Hicks
Posted May 28, 2008

Across the boards hikes due to rising energy prices

Renewable Energy IPO

Nick Hodge
Posted May 28, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Nick Hodge discusses a renewable energy IPO and applies lessons learned from the cork industry to taking profits from a massive energy transition.

Nice While it Lasted

Brian Hicks
Posted May 28, 2008

According to reports, The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta is threatening attacks on oil installations beginning tomorrow, and it won't be good for oil prices.

Barry Diller Chatter Ups EXPE

Brian Hicks
Posted May 28, 2008

Welcome to The Options Pit blog. Our goal is to keep you up to date on hot options activity, and stock options to keep on radar.

The Future of Air Travel

Brian Hicks
Posted May 28, 2008

Because of the spike in fuel costs, airlines now lose roughly $60 on every round-trip passenger, a slow bleed that puts the industry on pace to lose $7.2 billion this year, the largest yearly loss...