Wealth Daily Articles


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Bear Gets a Bailout, Avoids Extinction

Brian Hicks
Posted March 14, 2008

The Federal Reserve puts up big money to bail out Bear Stears. Massive bailout highlights the how free our free market really is.

Bear Stearns pulls a "Countrywide"?

Brian Hicks
Posted March 14, 2008

Standard & Poor's cut some of its credit ratings on investment bank Bear Stearns Friday following news of the bank's cash crisis and emergency bailout, and the agency also placed the bank's...

Oil Will Pay for the Iraq War?

Brian Hicks
Posted March 14, 2008

After invading one of the most oil-rich countries on earth, the mighty U.S. military is running on empty in the War on Iraq.

The China Market Bubble

Brian Hicks
Posted March 13, 2008

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ explores the China market bubble and why it's not to late to short China.

The Credit Crisis is Nearing an End (We think)...

Brian Hicks
Posted March 13, 2008

It's time to pull your head out of the sand, and wake up, S&P. We're nowhere near finished.

State of American Express

Brian Hicks
Posted March 12, 2008

Wealth Daily editor explores the problems with investing in American Express stock... and shares 2 profitable alternatives.

Euro Continues Higher

Luke Burgess
Posted March 11, 2008

The euro continued its march higher against the US dollar today, reaching a record high of US$1.5495 after news of an unexpected rise in German investor sentiment confidence.

Health Sector Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted March 11, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper revisits the health stocks sector, including one that's on a 39% run.

Ben Bernanke to the Rescue

Brian Hicks
Posted March 11, 2008

Bernanke has come to the rescue. For the home builders, his $200 billion injection into the financial markets was the equivalent of manna from heaven-more money thrown at a mortgage market in crisis.

The Fed, the Economy, and You

Brian Hicks
Posted March 10, 2008

A practical look into the Fed and how its policies and intentions affect banks and by extension the money in your pocket.

US Dollar Decline

Brian Hicks
Posted March 10, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Sam Hopkins reveals why the U.S. dollar is a drag on investments, and how to profit more from international currencies.

A Good Deal If You Can Get It

Brian Hicks
Posted March 9, 2008

Here's another one that you probably didn't learn in school.