Wealth Daily Articles


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MBIA CEO "Resigns"

Brian Hicks
Posted February 19, 2008

It's out with the new and in with the old at the troubled bond insurer.

The Sub Prime Primer

Brian Hicks
Posted February 18, 2008

Here's another good laugh from the wacky world of sub prime.

Investing in Japan's Economy

Brian Hicks
Posted February 18, 2008

Wealth Daily international editor Sam Hopkins looks at ways to invest in Japan's economy in light of recent economic uptrends.

Investing in Insider Buying

Brian Hicks
Posted February 15, 2008

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper takes a look at investing in recent insider buying... including how to profit via the Billionaire Boys Club.

Stock Market Loses $7.7 Trillion Since Oct.

Luke Burgess
Posted February 15, 2008

Bank of America reported yesterday that the meltdown in the US subprime real-estate market has led to a global loss of $7.7 trillion in stock-market value since October.

Big Trouble in South Beach

Brian Hicks
Posted February 15, 2008

Continuing with the housing fallout, projects in Miami are refused loans from the local banks. Commercial real estate is the next shoe to drop.

UBS Losses Set New Records

Brian Hicks
Posted February 14, 2008

The subprime debacle strikes again, as Swiss banking giant UBS scores the largest write down in banking history.

The Warren Buffett Investment Principles

Brian Hicks
Posted February 14, 2008

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the investment principals of Warren Buffet and the impact they can have on the markets.

Paulson: The Worst is just beginning for housing... What?

Brian Hicks
Posted February 13, 2008

You have to wonder what color the sky is in Paulson's world.

Home Builders Cut Off the Cash

Brian Hicks
Posted February 13, 2008

The home builders are really mad now. Here's why....

The Stock this Billionaire is Buying Now

Brian Hicks
Posted February 13, 2008

A lot of people don't know this, but Ian Cooper and I developed an insanely simple, but highly effective trading technique in 2002.

Project Lifeline Hopes to Avoid More Foreclosures

Brian Hicks
Posted February 12, 2008

Don't get too excited about the latest gimmick. Project Lifeline is more about saving the balance sheets of the cash strapped banks than it is in keeping homeowners afloat.