Wealth Daily Articles


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Bank of America "Rescues" Countrywide--Again

Brian Hicks
Updated January 11, 2008

Bank of America ends its Countrywide speculation with the whole meal. Mozilo off to "have some fun".

U.S. Economic Outlook

Brian Hicks
Updated January 14, 2008

Wealth Daily international guru Sam Hopkins takes a look at the reality of the U.S. consumer economy and how to play it.

It's the Economy Stupid, Part Two

Brian Hicks
Updated January 14, 2008

Forget Iraq. In 2008 it's all about the economy--again.

Get Defensive with Healthcare

Brian Hicks
Updated January 15, 2008

Limited posted an 8% drop in same-store sales, worse than the 4% Wall Street expected. Based on weak sales, it said it is likely that fourth-quarter earnings will fall toward the low-to-midpoint of...

Citigroup Slashes its Dividend, Whitney Nails It

Brian Hicks
Updated January 15, 2008

Meredith Whitney nailed it. Citigroup continues to stumble.

Some realtors still don't get it

Brian Hicks
Updated January 3, 2008

"Clueless" realtors say it's the perfect time to buy.

Recession Talk on the Rise

Brian Hicks
Updated January 3, 2008

Oil took the headlines yesterday, but was a dreadful manufacturing report that really pummeled the markets. Here's why.....

Dismantling U.S. Dollar

Brian Hicks
Updated January 3, 2008

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ examines the falling U.S. Dollar and shares how to profit from the greenback's decline.

Proof that it pays to read this blog

Brian Hicks
Updated January 4, 2008

A 66% gain in just days... Here's another one to chew on.

Bad Jobs Report Hammers the Markets

Brian Hicks
Updated January 4, 2008

A lousy jobs report today sent the market tumbling today, as the major indexes each fell more than 1.5 percent today.

Solar Energy: Hoku Scientific

Brian Hicks
Updated January 4, 2008

Wealth Daily Editor Ian Cooper re-examines the potential of Hoku Scientific.

Goldilocks Moved to Life Support

Brian Hicks
Updated January 7, 2008

One by one, all of the old arguments are falling away. And with them has gone a certain level of hope that a recession can be avoided.