Wealth Daily Articles


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Sustainable Pension Funds

Nick Hodge
Updated December 12, 2007

Green Chip Editor Nick Hodge talks about the greening of some of the nation's top pension funds, as well as the continued growth of the clean-tech sector.

Morgan Stanley Jumps Aboard the Bandwagon

Brian Hicks
Updated December 12, 2007

The list of analysts calling a recession in 2008 continues to grow. The latest is Morgan Stanley. Here's why.....

Not all government intervention is a bad thing.

Brian Hicks
Updated December 13, 2007

A Congressional move could be enough to fuel near-term momentum.

A Sub Prime Christmas

Brian Hicks
Updated December 13, 2007

With all eyes on the consumer, the sub prime contagion has made for some tough sledding.

Home Builder "Value Trap" Stocks

Brian Hicks
Updated December 13, 2007

Wealth Daily Editor Steve Christ takes a look at the value traps in the home builder stocks.

Long Apples, Boxes, and Orange Jumpsuits

Brian Hicks
Updated December 14, 2007

So how does the head of one of the biggest parts of the mortgage industry feel about housing these days? Here's a clue....

T. Boone Pickens

Brian Hicks
Updated December 14, 2007

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper explores T. Boone Pickens latest buy, and why it's not wise to bet against the billionaire.

"Fiscal Crisis" in California

Brian Hicks
Updated December 15, 2007

The tide has turned red in California. It may be the first, but it won't be the only one. Here's a look at what going on in the Golden State.

Oil Crash

Brian Hicks
Updated December 17, 2007

I can appreciate a contrarian point of view regarding the direction of oil. I mean, oil has almost doubled this year in price. When oil was approaching $100 a barrel just a few weeks ago, even I was...

What was Ignored by the Housing Bulls

Brian Hicks
Updated December 17, 2007

You could physically see that, in February 2007, the housing market was not bottoming, that subprime lenders were doomed.

Consumer Spending Begins to Wobble

Brian Hicks
Updated December 17, 2007

With only seven more shopping days to go Christmas 2007 looks a little weak. Here's a sampling of what is going out there in malls across America.

'Always Low Prices'... for Homes, too?

Brian Hicks
Updated December 17, 2007

You know things are bad when real estate sales offices start popping up in Wal-Mart. Take a look at how desperate the situation is getting.