Wealth Daily Articles


Displaying (9316) Articles

Oil Crash

Brian Hicks
Updated December 17, 2007

I can appreciate a contrarian point of view regarding the direction of oil. I mean, oil has almost doubled this year in price. When oil was approaching $100 a barrel just a few weeks ago, even I was...

What was Ignored by the Housing Bulls

Brian Hicks
Updated December 17, 2007

You could physically see that, in February 2007, the housing market was not bottoming, that subprime lenders were doomed.

Consumer Spending Begins to Wobble

Brian Hicks
Updated December 17, 2007

With only seven more shopping days to go Christmas 2007 looks a little weak. Here's a sampling of what is going out there in malls across America.

'Always Low Prices'... for Homes, too?

Brian Hicks
Updated December 17, 2007

You know things are bad when real estate sales offices start popping up in Wal-Mart. Take a look at how desperate the situation is getting.

Searching for the Next Amgen, Part II

Brian Hicks
Updated December 18, 2007

Wealth Daily editor Ian Cooper revisits Brian Hicks' recommendation of Anavex, and highlights the stock's 30% run.

The "R"-Word and the Perfect Storm

Brian Hicks
Updated November 26, 2007

Ok I admit it. Every writer worth his salt should swear this one off forever. But this time though, that storm could be for real.

Asian and American Economies

Brian Hicks
Updated November 26, 2007

Just back from Asia, Wealth Daily editor Sam Hopkins breaks down the risks and benefits of investing in the Asian and American economies.

Shop 'til You Drop

Brian Hicks
Updated November 26, 2007

First there was "Black Friday". And now there is something called "Cyber Monday". But no matter how you get there, one thing about this Christmas season is already crystal clear. Borrowing from...

70/70 Rule Delay a Boon for Cable

Brian Hicks
Updated November 27, 2007

A meeting delay may be a boon for cable operators.

Homes Prices Mark Record Decline

Brian Hicks
Updated November 27, 2007

More bad news for the housing bulls...what's left of them.

No Help for the Jumbos

Brian Hicks
Updated November 27, 2007

While Ben Bernanke and Charles Schumer thought that it would be a great idea if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could up their loan limit to help support the jumbo mortgage market, it turns out that...

Goldman's Grim Outlook

Brian Hicks
Updated November 28, 2007

More sobering talk from Goldman Sachs. According to them it looks like a crash.....