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Solar Energy Stocks

Nick Hodge
Updated October 8, 2007

At this point, the bull market in solar energy stocks has been flying under the radar for an extended period of time. Too long, if you ask me.

The Ukraine Economy - Part 2

Brian Hicks
Updated October 5, 2007

Since returning from Ukraine, I've been asked one particular question more than any other...

Found: The Largest Gold Deposit Ever in Shaanxi Province, China

Luke Burgess
Updated October 5, 2007

Chinese officials from the provincial administration of land a resources confirmed this week that a gold major discovery was discovered at a mining base in the mountains of China's Shaanxi Province.

Sony to Market First OLED TV Set

Brian Hicks
Updated October 4, 2007

Crazy heavy. That's how I would describe the gigantic flat-screen TV that my father-in-law brought by my house a little over a year ago. It was a freebie, and it didn't take me long to figure out why.

The Hottest World Markets Today

Brian Hicks
Updated October 2, 2007

Four years ago, a team of economists at Goldman Sachs hatched an acronym that would carry monumental connotations for emerging market investors. Here's where we stand, four years down the road.

Time to Pay the Piper

Brian Hicks
Updated October 1, 2007

The house lights have gone up, the punch bowl is empty, and the music has stopped playing. That's the story today at least at Citigroup Inc., where the company's wild dancing of late has definitely...

The Ukraine Economy

Brian Hicks
Updated September 28, 2007

Brian Hicks details his recent trip to Kiev, Ukraine, where he comments on the Ukraine economy and its blockbuster investment opportunities.

Tech Stocks Rise from Housing's Ashes

Brian Hicks
Updated September 27, 2007

The nation's housing sector took yet another blow this morning as the most recent data on new home sales further revealed to the Street what it already knows--the bottom in housing is nowhere in...

Wind Powered Energy

Jeff Siegel
Updated September 26, 2007

Jeff Siegel discusses GE and it's progression with Wind Powered Energy.

Persian Gulf to Wall Street, Part II

Brian Hicks
Updated September 25, 2007

Last Tuesday I told you about my boldest prediction in international financial tectonics yet--that Persian Gulf countries and their sovereign wealth funds would soon change the face of Wall Street...

Inflation on the Menu

Brian Hicks
Updated September 24, 2007

Well, after a whole two weeks of reading the tea leaves and the chicken entrails, the Bernanke Fed finally showed its true colors. Choosing between a roast pig (the economy) and a cooked goose (the...

The Carbon Market

Nick Hodge
Updated September 21, 2007

Besides adding words like manbag (a male handbag), yummy mummy (an attractive mother), garburator (a garbage disposal), and removing over 16,000 hyphens from words like fig-leaf and leap-frog, the...