Wealth Daily Articles


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Sleep Tight, Mr. Greenspan

Brian Hicks
Updated September 20, 2007

When it comes to the media blitz, not many can match the whirlwind tour currently being put on by the Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. In many ways it is "The Maestro" at his finest.

Profit From the Peak Energy Conference

Brian Hicks
Updated September 19, 2007

Before I get started, I have to get something off my chest. Something I've been telling everyone I run into since I poured my first cup: The coffee at the Loews Hotel in Philadelphia is the best in...

Persian Gulf to Wall Street

Brian Hicks
Updated September 18, 2007

Something big is brewing along the Persian Gulf, and it's not what you might expect. Is Iran going to bomb us? Not likely. Will Iraqis beat their swords into plowshares in 2008? Ha. This past...

VC's Search for the Next Big Thing

Brian Hicks
Updated September 17, 2007

Of all places it was the garage where it was born. There, some 60 years ago, college pals Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded the firm that would later bear their name: Hewlett-Packard.

Real Estate and Remittances

Brian Hicks
Updated September 13, 2007

Earlier this year I wrote about the $300 billion-per-year international remittance industry, the channel by which the bulk of some countries' gross national product is generated. How will new...

Pimp This House

Brian Hicks
Updated September 11, 2007

Like any party that went on about five hours after it should have ended, the mortgage mess has delivered up yet another story that you just couldn't make up, even if you tried.

The Bull Market Case

Brian Hicks
Updated September 6, 2007

Today's WD is heavy with charts. My apologies. But there's a set of charts at the end of this article that are downright frightening. So I urge you to look carefully at my analysis.

Israel's New, Old Copper Mine

Brian Hicks
Updated September 4, 2007

What unites Egyptian Pharaohs, Israelis, and Mexicans? Recently, I braved the blazing desert sun to get an inside look at the revival of a 6,000-year-old copper mine and find out.

Market Correction or Crash

Brian Hicks
Updated September 3, 2007

Panic selling can decimate a market. It can put the best growth and value stocks on their backs and turn the most dedicated investor against them.

See What I'm Buying and Selling

Brian Hicks
Updated September 1, 2007

Here it is. The last day of August. Even though summer doesn't officially end until September 22, for many of us August 31st represents the end of sun, fun and surf, at least psychologically.

Shootout at the Sub Prime Corral

Brian Hicks
Updated August 30, 2007

As if shedding nearly 40,000 jobs over the last eight months weren't quite bad enough, in some ways the mortgage industry's troubles have really just begun. The next blow, it seems, promises to come...

Change is in the Air

Brian Hicks
Updated August 29, 2007

Since last November, it has been my great pleasure to bring you the stories that I believe will lead the markets for years to come. From nanotech to Web 2.0 to robotics to IPTV and everything in...