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Change is in the Air

Brian Hicks
Posted August 29, 2007

Since last November, it has been my great pleasure to bring you the stories that I believe will lead the markets for years to come. From nanotech to Web 2.0 to robotics to IPTV and everything in...

Brazil's Hot Stock Market

Brian Hicks
Posted August 28, 2007

The hottest spot in Brazil isn't the Copacabana beach. It's not the Sambadrome built for Carnival parades or the violent streets of the hillside favelas. It's the stock exchange.

It's a Shoo-In

Brian Hicks
Posted August 27, 2007

The current economic debate really boils down to one essential question: "Will there be a recession?" To me, the question has about as much vitality as debating whether Roger Clemens will be...

Technology Stocks

Brian Hicks
Posted August 23, 2007

Commodities, banking, real estate, mortgages, builders - you name it - all down for the count and headed nowhere but lower, no matter what the Fed does.

Markets of the Rising Sun

Brian Hicks
Posted August 21, 2007

It's a world where Wednesday night's news from Asia told me to expect a Thursday slide on Wall Street, but it took until Monday for Asia to absorb Thursday night's Fed cut. This is not the Twilight...

Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Nick Hodge
Posted August 20, 2007

A look at the progression of the solar industry. From bulky panels to flexible strips, the solar industry has come a long way. Get ready for the next solar innovation.

Lenders Take the Jab, Borrowers Take the Knockout

Brian Hicks
Posted August 20, 2007

The current weakness in domestic markets has recently been magnified overseas as panic spread to foreign investors with exposure to U.S. asset-backed debt. Some commentators point to this reaction...

A Few Bright Spots in the Markets

Brian Hicks
Posted August 17, 2007

Well, after holding sway over the markets for so long, the bulls have had it absolutely handed it to them since those heady and short-lived days at the 14 k mark on the Dow.

Like Lemmings Off a Cliff

Brian Hicks
Posted August 16, 2007

With so many lenders tumbling into the abyss these days, it's hard not to be reminded of that footage of a whole herd of lemmings jumping off a cliff. (Myth or no myth) I mean how else you can...

The Best Way to Invest in the Muslim World

Brian Hicks
Posted August 14, 2007

It's an underdog in emerging Asia and in the Islamic world too. Indonesia has the world's fourth-largest population, and is number one among predominantly Muslim states. Here's why you can't afford...

Surgical Robot Primed to Deliver 284% Returns in Two Years

Brian Hicks
Posted August 13, 2007

Of all of the problems to have in this world, a falling stock market is really nothing compared to the troubles of being diagnosed with cancer.

The Shoddiest Export

Brian Hicks
Posted August 10, 2007

For years, Americans have been able to pay for enormous trade deficits by exchanging IOUs for imported consumer goods. Unfortunately for foreign creditors, a substantial percentage of those IOUs...