Wealth Daily Articles


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The Lurking Water Monster

Nick Hodge
Posted August 9, 2007

A sneak peak at the coming massive investment in water infrastructure, companies already making huge gains, and the unveiling of the Green Chip Water Index.

Cisco Knocks the Cover Off . . . Again

Brian Hicks
Posted August 9, 2007

On the same day that Barry Bonds belted his way into baseball history, Cisco Systems crushed a long ball of its own. But unlike the Bonds home run that fell practically without a sound, Cisco's 4Q...

Ready to Vacation in North Korea?

Brian Hicks
Posted August 7, 2007

Few would have dreamed of gallivanting around China during the Cultural Revolution. Now, the country is a tourist hotbed and host of a major tourism industry gathering this year. Could North Korea...

Armed Robotic Squadron Takes to the Air

Brian Hicks
Posted August 7, 2007

In the skies above the bloody streets of Iraq and Afghanistan, military drones continue to deliver the goods on one battlefield after another. Part spy and part weapons system, the effect of drones...

Peak Oil is Here

Brian Hicks
Posted August 6, 2007

The world's most respected journal of economics has now officially acknowledged the advent of peak oil, validating (finally!) what we've been saying for years.

It's the Fundamentals, Stupid

Brian Hicks
Posted August 6, 2007

Amid the recent stock market weakness, the pundits are virtually unanimous in their claims that good underlying economic fundamentals are being trumped by irrational fear.

Bulls Catch a Summer Cold

Brian Hicks
Posted August 3, 2007

After looking so dangerous only a couple of weeks ago as the Dow cracked the 14,000 mark for the first time, the bulls seem to have caught themselves a nasty summer cold.

Bankruptcy Rumor Crashes Beazer

Brian Hicks
Posted August 2, 2007

True or not, rumors definitely have power, and the ongoing mortgage morass has produced them by the barrel-full lately. Unfortunately, in this case Churchill would be wildly off of the mark. Within...

Desktop Factory Brings 3D Printing to Consumers

Brian Hicks
Posted August 1, 2007

As the markets up at Wall and Broad Streets continue to pacify the bears with an ongoing downtrend, to the nation's entrepreneurs it's really nothing but a sideshow.

Israel Biotech Comes to Baltimore

Brian Hicks
Posted July 31, 2007

I've traveled far and wide to get the scoop on international investing opportunities. Sometimes, though, the story comes to me. Last week I gathered with a cadre of Israeli biotech heavyweights...

What a Difference a Week Makes!

Brian Hicks
Posted July 27, 2007

Last week, as the Dow breached the 14,000 mark for the first time, bullish swagger on Wall Street went into overdrive. Some of the bulls that I'm often pitted against on television used the occasion...

NFC Turns Cell Phones into Money

Brian Hicks
Posted July 26, 2007

At the ripe old age of 43, the fact that I'm a living and breathing anachronism is something that is kind of hard for me to admit. But every time that I check out of any store these days I am...