Wealth Daily Articles


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Medical Robots Continue to Revolutionize Healthcare

Brian Hicks
Posted July 24, 2007

Baltimore, Md.--When it comes to what people actually do when they are at work over the course of a long day, there is one profession whose daily grind absolutely astounds me. When it comes to a...

Fear, Desire, Death . . . and the Internet

Brian Hicks
Posted July 23, 2007

If I were to suggest that the mining industry owes its current robust condition to the Internet, the image of a horse's posterior might pop into your head. But bear with me, and see if you can’t be...

Sorry Ben, the Buck Stops with You

Brian Hicks
Posted July 20, 2007

During his testimony before Congress this week, Ben Bernanke didn't hesitate to opine on a number of topics that had very little to do with his mandate as Fed Chairman. The wealth gap, racial...

The TSX Venture Exchange

Brian Hicks
Posted July 20, 2007

TSX Venture listed companies were the beneficiaries of over CA$1 Billion in the month of June, bringing the total amount raised for 2007 to almost $6 Billion.

Fannie and Freddie Drop the Bomb

Brian Hicks
Posted July 19, 2007

As we have said so many times before in these pages, watching the government do practically anything is akin to watching molasses run down he hill in January. But as slow as that bureaucratic morass...

Bulls Lead Midsummer Rally

Brian Hicks
Posted July 17, 2007

To almost any sane person, a 1,300 pound bull is nothing to be fooling around with. An image of power, the massive animal is really nothing more than muscle, hooves, and horns. And then there is the...

China Bull Market Pauses as Pork Prices Soar

Brian Hicks
Posted July 17, 2007

In China's big cities, maids are going back to work and casting their day-trading dreams to the wind. The number of new accounts for trading Chinese A-shares (the most basic stock available to...

A Worthless Dollar?

Brian Hicks
Posted July 13, 2007

This week, bond rating agencies Moody's and Standard & Poor's finally announced downgrades on billions of dollars of bonds backed by sub-prime mortgages.

Bioplastics: Taking Huge Profits, One Polymer at a Time

Nick Hodge
Posted July 12, 2007

Today, Nick takes a look at the history of plastics in order to gain insight about the future of the bioplastic industry.

Solar Tower of Power

Brian Hicks
Posted July 12, 2007

Like most entrepreneurs, Roger Davey is a man who sees something that very few other people do. Because of it he takes risks, he works hard, and he pushes his dream down a road with no sure answers...

Is Arab OPEC Going Green?

Brian Hicks
Posted July 10, 2007

Recently I told you about a 100 MW solar power project in Abu Dhabi, one of the United Arab Emirates. As one of the top oil and gas producers in the world, the UAE won the geological jackpot...

The Really BIG Next Big Thing

Brian Hicks
Posted July 10, 2007

It's alternative energy. Meaning non-hydrocarbon energy. And for this discussion, we will temporarily ignore uranium, for its use has grown sufficiently that it really can't at this point be...