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Brian Hicks
Updated April 23, 2006

Hot damn, I love the sun. It gives us light, Vitamin D, and is the world's foremost nuclear power no matter what Iran and the US do to each other. Now it's music to my ears.

Paying for War

Brian Hicks
Updated August 15, 2006

After days turned into weeks, we have now come to the close of a full month of high-intensity conflict between Israel and Lebanese militia Hizbullah. As the armies cautiously tiptoe back to...

A New Knife for Washington

Brian Hicks
Updated October 31, 2006

If a government dominated by one party should run like a hot knife through butter, why does it seem more like the current US leadership is cutting burnt steak with a cold spoon? Brazil's Lula may...

Bill Gates on Technology

Brian Hicks
Updated November 2, 2006

It's no secret that I think the future of technology stocks looks very good. But it's not my involvement in the sector that makes me say that-it's the potential of the sector that got me involved.

The U.S. Navy's New Plan to Reach Out and Touch Someone

Brian Hicks
Updated January 24, 2007

When the 16-inch guns of the battleship Iowa fired in anger on our enemies, their firepower was as remarkable as it was deafening. They threw shells the size of a Volkswagen over 20 miles to reach...

Selling our Cows to Buy Milk

Brian Hicks
Updated February 16, 2007

On Tuesday of this week we learned that in 2006 Americans racked up a record $763.6 Billion trade deficit, and that two Australian mining firms, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, were each contemplating...

South America's New Drug

Brian Hicks
Updated February 20, 2007

At the upcoming Biofuels America Conference and Expo in Cartagena, Colombia, I will bear witness to a crucial development in Latin American history - the development of alternative energy.

Microsoft vs. Linux and Dell, Round 2

Brian Hicks
Updated March 13, 2007

When it comes to overnight success stories, Michael Dell’s is certainly one for the books. After all, how many 19-year-old college kids manage to rack up nearly $6 million in first-year sales by...

Just One Word--Nanotech

Brian Hicks
Updated March 27, 2007

In the 1967 film “The Graduate,” it may have been the shapely legs of Mrs. Robinson that caught the eye of young Ben Braddock, but it was Mr. McGuire’s sage advice that captured the ears of the...

Between Fossil Fools and Peak-Oil Prophets

Brian Hicks
Updated May 17, 2007

There's a fine line between fools and prophets. Talisman Energy CEO Jim Buckee treads it boldly, and his recent Peak Oil proclamation is certain to ruffle some feathers.

The Business of Peace

Brian Hicks
Updated June 7, 2007

KETURA, ISRAEL: What do you get when you mix an Israeli father and a Jordanian son? A bright idea and a hundred million dollars.

Is Arab OPEC Going Green?

Brian Hicks
Updated July 10, 2007

Recently I told you about a 100 MW solar power project in Abu Dhabi, one of the United Arab Emirates. As one of the top oil and gas producers in the world, the UAE won the geological jackpot...