Wealth Daily Articles


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It's a Shoo-In

Brian Hicks
Updated August 27, 2007

The current economic debate really boils down to one essential question: "Will there be a recession?" To me, the question has about as much vitality as debating whether Roger Clemens will be...

China Scores Win for Capitalism!

Brian Hicks
Updated October 26, 2005

Today, the Chinese petroleum industry achieved a hefty victory in its drive to procure enough oil to keep China burgeoning for decades to come. Chinese company CNPC has taken over Canadian-based...

Country Roads, Take Me Elsewhere

Brian Hicks
Updated October 31, 2005

Transportation is now more than just a means for one individual. The growing market in developing countries will be huge in the years to come.

Can You Hear Me Mao?

Brian Hicks
Updated December 6, 2005

It's hard to learn Chinese script. Reading and writing the language of Confucius, Sun Yat-Sen, and close to 2 billion Chinese worldwide is quite difficult for westerners raised with alphabetic...

Old Sneakers

Brian Hicks
Updated December 16, 2005

Some of you readers may have been wondering something since you started reading The Waking Dragon - why doesn't Sam talk about China as "the world's workbench" or recommend China plays that...

Bootleg Brains?

Brian Hicks
Updated January 3, 2006

Anyone who has visited China knows the scene: row upon row of American and other foreign films, their artwork laser-printed nicely on cardstock with a flimsy plastic sleeve inside holding a...

GM's Chinese Nightmare

Brian Hicks
Updated January 17, 2006

The earth did not shake, but the deer and other animals raised their heads simultaneously, sensing something amiss. Later, the ground rocked with all the tectonic fury that had been stored up, and...

Relativity TV

Brian Hicks
Updated February 3, 2006

The days of Donna Reed are long since finished. We all know that by now. What is more surprising is television's modern predilection towards not the studio but the viewer. The history of television...

Monetary Lag - What a Drag!

Brian Hicks
Updated May 26, 2006

I abhor lag. Having surmounted jetlag, I now have to deal with latitude lag up here at 57°N in Riga. Only five hours of true nighttime means little sleep for your correspondent, but plenty of...

Beyond the Iron Curtain

Brian Hicks
Updated June 6, 2006

Winston Churchill would not recognize this side of the Iron Curtain. The buildings of Tallinn are tall and proliferating, and the cab drivers are as savvy as they are sneaky. An abundance of...

Fresh Legs

Brian Hicks
Updated June 20, 2006

It’s been a good couple of weeks in the World Cup so far. I have been rooting for the underdogs, as you might imagine from an emerging market bull like me. Unfortunately, the traditional powers...

Pain at the Persian Pump

Brian Hicks
Updated May 24, 2007

This Tuesday, western news outlets reported the beginning of gasoline rationing in Iran with terse certainty. But the view from Iran is much more complicated, and shows the disarray of oil refining...