Wealth Daily Articles


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China Wields Carrots and Celery Sticks

Brian Hicks
Updated October 10, 2006

In the Asian political sphere where stability is the rule, China's choices are limited when dealing with its newly nuclear neighbor, North Korea.

Detroit's Depressing DC Ride

Brian Hicks
Updated November 14, 2006

It was a promising Tuesday for mammoth New York stocks. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and its 30 blue chip companies have led a recent valuation rally through record levels. Too bad, then, that...

Political Science Fiction

Brian Hicks
Updated December 12, 2006

Whimsical literary musings sometimes come true. The journey described in Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon, for example, materialized over a century later. His Journey to the Center of the...

Music of His Own

Brian Hicks
Updated December 19, 2006

NEW YORK, NY: In the City That Never Sleeps, it's easy to think the whole world has come to you. But being here, you realize that though the senses are treated to a 24-hour international array...

Introducing Peter Schiff

Brian Hicks
Updated January 26, 2007

When it comes to the arena of international investment, few bring as much knowledge or skill to the game as Peter Schiff. Now, we're proud to add his editorial voice to the Orbus team.

Is the Fed Finally Losing Its Credibility?

Brian Hicks
Updated February 23, 2007

Since higher interest rates are typically bearish for gold, the metal has dipped on signs of elevated inflation. However, Wednesday's $20 surge indicates that something meaningful may have changed.

Special Report from Colombia

Brian Hicks
Updated March 13, 2007

Un Nuevo Mundo. Even if your Spanish is limited to Mexican menu literacy or Ricky Martin lyrics, you probably understand this phrase. It translates as "A New World," and it bears great historical...

Pain at the Persian Pump

Brian Hicks
Updated May 24, 2007

This Tuesday, western news outlets reported the beginning of gasoline rationing in Iran with terse certainty. But the view from Iran is much more complicated, and shows the disarray of oil refining...

Good Money After Bad

Brian Hicks
Updated June 15, 2007

At a commercial real-estate conference earlier this week, Alan Greenspan downplayed concerns that the Chinese might sell their significant holdings of U.S. Treasuries.

Maybe This Is Rocket Science...

Brian Hicks
Updated January 6, 2006

It happens every day now. Brian Hicks, head honcho here at Wealth Daily, sends me an instant message on my computer.

New Media Profits

Brian Hicks
Updated January 27, 2006

This week we saw one of the most unremarkable media mergers ever. After losing their respective parent companies a billion dollars over ten years, television networks The WB and UPN decided to merge...

The Premier's Old Coat

Brian Hicks
Updated March 28, 2006

When you ask a stranger for directions in China, you'd better ask another. Though "which way is the post office?" wouldn't normally fall within the realm of opinion in most countries, I've learned...