Wealth Daily Articles


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Hopkins Hears a Hu

Brian Hicks
Updated April 18, 2006

Man, I missed China. I missed delicious dumplings, eye-popping neon signs, and bombastic speeches. I especially missed the speeches. Halfway between high school coach and preschool teacher, Chinese...

NewsFlash - No New Dead Dinosaurs

Brian Hicks
Updated September 26, 2006

It's been the top question in every radio show I've been on in the past two weeks. "Why is the world suddenly awash in oil?" I writhe in my seat every time, furrowing my brow not out of confusion...

Wal-Mart's Worldwide Weight Shift

Brian Hicks
Updated October 24, 2006

As the big-box retailer par excellence convenes industry analysts in fabulous Teaneck, New Jersey, the company's expansion plans are reorienting far away from the Garden State.

Flagging Faith and Credit

Brian Hicks
Updated November 28, 2006

You may not worship the almighty dollar, but money is as faith-based a paper product as the Good Book is, and it's causing just as much of a stir after the turn of the millennium.

Bonne Année from the Land of Poutine

Brian Hicks
Updated January 2, 2007

Montréal, Québec: The man next to me on the train must not have gotten the memo. Canada is cold in the winter. Astonished at his lack of common knowledge/sense, I bit my tongue every time I...

Bangladesh: A Study in Formality

Brian Hicks
Updated January 16, 2007

Just this past year, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi businessman whose forays into informal finance have helped thousands get by. But political turmoil marking the...

Irrational Exuberance in China

Brian Hicks
Updated February 9, 2007

Recently voiced concerns from the Chinese government that their surging domestic stock market was crossing into bubble territory helped to set off last week's sharp decline, including a single day...

Sign Your Country on the Dotted Line

Brian Hicks
Updated March 1, 2007

Old research habits die hard. Actually, it's my belief that knowledge should not be compartmentalized - you know what you know, and latent awareness can only help. Now, why does my linguistic...

Marbles in Your Mouth and Profits in Your Pocket

Brian Hicks
Updated May 10, 2007

Molybdenum is a mouthful. But this important transition metal and alloy component should be in your commodity vocabulary.

Threats and Opportunities: Israel Knows Both

Brian Hicks
Updated June 6, 2007

In the same way that the State of Israel was not born into a vacuum, it is essential to put Israel's energy development in a regional context. Today on the Red Sea, I heard European, Jordanian, and...

A Refugee Bull Market in Jordan

Brian Hicks
Updated June 26, 2007

AMMAN, JORDAN: As we scooted along through dense traffic that is typical of any developing country, my Jordanian host pointed out an Infinity SUV in front of us. "Look," he said as he darted his...

The Shoddiest Export

Brian Hicks
Updated August 10, 2007

For years, Americans have been able to pay for enormous trade deficits by exchanging IOUs for imported consumer goods. Unfortunately for foreign creditors, a substantial percentage of those IOUs...