Wealth Daily Articles


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Fast Times at Pacific Rim High

Brian Hicks
Updated November 7, 2005

Sometimes geopolitics seems more like high school. The self-assured jock (USA) begs all comers to "bring it on," while the brainiac (China) threatens to take his eminently copyable homework and go...

Rethinking the Electron

Brian Hicks
Updated January 20, 2006

You've been reading Wealth Daily for quite some time now. It's nothing new to you that we keep you up to date with the latest in technology, energy, and every other area where the cutting edge will...

Web Warriors

Brian Hicks
Updated March 17, 2006

The great Baltimorean H.L. Mencken once quipped, "War will never cease until babies begin to come into the world with larger cerebrums and smaller adrenal glands." We remain unfortunately stagnant...

Caffeinated Commodities

Brian Hicks
Updated August 29, 2006

Every day it’s a new brew. Coffee can give you a heart attack. Or it can fight cancer. It can make investors rich or turn poor farmers towards the cocaine industry. Today we filter the...

Will Japan Destroy the Yen to Save the Dollar?

Brian Hicks
Updated July 9, 2007

As the Japanese government continues holding short-term interest rates near zero while printing yen like it is going out of style, getting out of the yen has now replaced pachinko as the national...

Israel Biotech Comes to Baltimore

Brian Hicks
Updated July 31, 2007

I've traveled far and wide to get the scoop on international investing opportunities. Sometimes, though, the story comes to me. Last week I gathered with a cadre of Israeli biotech heavyweights...

Brazil's Hot Stock Market

Brian Hicks
Updated August 28, 2007

The hottest spot in Brazil isn't the Copacabana beach. It's not the Sambadrome built for Carnival parades or the violent streets of the hillside favelas. It's the stock exchange.

Mao Money, Mao Money

Brian Hicks
Updated October 17, 2005

The first time I stepped into my hotel room in China, I didn't know why it was dark. Every room I had ever entered in an American hotel-at least ones that could legitimately be called "hotels"-had...

All My Dollars

Brian Hicks
Updated November 3, 2005

Last week, I wrote about AMD and how I think they are positioning themselves for a real run at Intel. As I run the Asian Investment Desk here at Wealth Daily, my analysis stemmed mainly from the...

Taiwan Tied-Down?

Brian Hicks
Updated November 14, 2005

As China weaves an international web of trade alliances, the hardest strand to sort out is also its most public foreign policy matter. Taiwan has maintained since 1949 that it is a separate entity...

Neodymium in the Rough

Brian Hicks
Updated January 24, 2006

They're the stepchildren of the periodic table. Relegated to the bottom of the chart on the wall in your high school chemistry class, your teacher probably never even mentioned them. "Just worry...

Another Fulcrum

Brian Hicks
Updated February 15, 2006

I remember riding in the front seat of a car in China and noting the nameplates of the cars in front of me, wondering, "Will names like Dongfeng ever roll off the tongues of American consumers?"