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Greg McCoach's 2007 Outlook

Brian Hicks
Posted January 5, 2007

The brutal correction we experienced the second half of 2006 has now come to a close and the next phase of our bull market appears like it will open 2007 with a bang, taking metals prices much higher.

A Not so Happy New Year: Another Sub-Prime Lender Cuts its Workforce

Brian Hicks
Posted January 4, 2007

The New Year got off to rough start for the employees of Mortgage Lender’s Network (MLN) yesterday, when the Connecticut-based sub-prime lender announced that it was no longer in the business of...

Bonne Année from the Land of Poutine

Brian Hicks
Posted January 2, 2007

Montréal, Québec: The man next to me on the train must not have gotten the memo. Canada is cold in the winter. Astonished at his lack of common knowledge/sense, I bit my tongue every time I...

Gone in a Flash: New Memory Devices Make a Splash

Brian Hicks
Posted January 2, 2007

In the fast growing world of electronic gadgets, the ruling ethos is really quite simple—if you make it smaller and faster, the world will beat a path to your door. This is especially true of the...

Regulators Order Fannie and Freddie to Comply with New Guidelines

Brian Hicks
Posted December 28, 2006

Watching the government do practically anything is often akin to watching molasses run down the hill in January. But like that slow running ooze it eventually manages to accomplish its feat. Nowhere...

U.S. Fighting Strength to be 1/3 Robotic by 2015

Brian Hicks
Posted December 27, 2006

For generations of science fiction writers the idea of robotic hordes ruling the battlefield has been fertile ground for their active imaginations. From “Star Wars” to “The Terminator”, the rise...

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Peak?

Keith Kohl
Posted December 22, 2006

The fact that global demand will rise year after year as our craving for oil continues isn’t questioned. One might assume the natural course of action would be to ramp up exploration in order to...

Study Projects 2.2 Million Sub-Prime Borrowers to Lose Homes

Brian Hicks
Posted December 21, 2006

In a 58-page study released yesterday, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) predicts that some 2.2 million sub-prime borrowers will lose their homes to foreclosure in the coming years...

The Quantum Investor "Person of the Year"

Brian Hicks
Posted December 20, 2006

Time magazine may have punted their choice of person of the year by lamely choosing "You," but here at Quantum Investor our choice was a whole lot easier. That's because in the course of our work we...

Music of His Own

Brian Hicks
Posted December 19, 2006

NEW YORK, NY: In the City That Never Sleeps, it's easy to think the whole world has come to you. But being here, you realize that though the senses are treated to a 24-hour international array...

The Geopolitical Wildcard

Brian Hicks
Posted December 18, 2006

There is nothing more bullish for gold, not even the rapidly accelerating woes of the U.S. dollar, than the destabilizing scenarios that would come with serious global geo-political chaos.

One Way Off the Hook

Brian Hicks
Posted December 14, 2006

The latest foreclosure figures were released yesterday, and in a word they were ugly. According to RealtyTrac, the leading online marketplace for foreclosure properties, another 120,334 properties...