Wealth Daily Articles


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A Perfect Birthday for a Middle Eastern Bull

Brian Hicks
Updated June 20, 2007

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL: As the clock struck midnight on June 10, I had just arrived in Amman, Jordan. My local hosts, vibrant young entrepreneurs and rising stars in government investment initiatives...

The Most Dangerous Man in China

Brian Hicks
Updated June 21, 2007

It will come as no surprise that the military planners deep within the Pentagon continue to wrestle with the growing threats posed by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. But the biggest risk to...

The $17.8 Trillion Market from Silicon Wadi

Brian Hicks
Updated June 22, 2007

According to Nationmaster.com, the tiny state of Israel has more engineers and scientists per capita than any other country in the world.

The 1,842% Beginning of a Bull Market

Keith Kohl
Updated June 29, 2007

Imagine risking everything you own by investing it in just one commodity. And when I said everything, I meant it. We’re not just talking about the cash in the bank, but selling all of your assets...

The Contagion is Spreading

Brian Hicks
Updated July 5, 2007

After bubbling beneath the surface since last February, the absolute rot that is sub-prime lending reared its ugly head again last week. But this time it wasn’t just the stories of failing lenders...

The Really BIG Next Big Thing

Brian Hicks
Updated July 10, 2007

It's alternative energy. Meaning non-hydrocarbon energy. And for this discussion, we will temporarily ignore uranium, for its use has grown sufficiently that it really can't at this point be...

Bioplastics: Taking Huge Profits, One Polymer at a Time

Nick Hodge
Updated July 12, 2007

Today, Nick takes a look at the history of plastics in order to gain insight about the future of the bioplastic industry.

Fannie and Freddie Drop the Bomb

Brian Hicks
Updated July 19, 2007

As we have said so many times before in these pages, watching the government do practically anything is akin to watching molasses run down he hill in January. But as slow as that bureaucratic morass...

The Rise of Nuclear Energy from Peak Oil's Ashes

Keith Kohl
Updated April 30, 2007

Over the weekend, I had the distinct pleasure of conversing with one of my Wealth Daily readers. This reader was distraught over society's collapse from peak oil.

EPA Guarantees Market for Ethanol

Brian Hicks
Updated May 3, 2007

Because the mandate means a guaranteed market. Even if the price of oil drops and makes ethanol less competitive. Even if the price of corn goes sky-high.

Place Your Chips on French Success

Brian Hicks
Updated May 9, 2007

You've probably heard, "the chips are down" to mean that times aren't good. But the original French phrase means all bets have been placed. This weekend, French voters put their chips down, and...

The Lender and the Louisville Slugger

Brian Hicks
Updated May 10, 2007

Now that New Century Financial has finally crashed and burned like the Hindenburg, the gory details of its fatal business practices have begun to make their way into the light of day. And it’s...