Wealth Daily Articles


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Housing's Ill-gotten Gains

Brian Hicks
Posted August 14, 2006

Honesty is the best policy. Twain knew this well. But unfortunately in the housing market the truth is often the first casualty of the bidding war.

The Game Has Changed

Brian Hicks
Posted August 9, 2006

Baltimore, MD- Where once there were fortunes made only the weeds now grow. But it's not the weeds here that are so noticeable as it is the silence.

Chile Copper Export

Luke Burgess
Posted August 8, 2006

While the rest if the commodity world is focused on the 400,000 barrel per day oil shut-in at Prudhoe Bay, I'm looking over 7,000 miles away to the northern Atacama Desert of Chile where their...

Where There's Water, There's Fire

Brian Hicks
Posted August 8, 2006

The last time I headed to the Middle East during the summer, my ever-cautious mother asked me if I packed my raincoat. “No,” I answered, “It doesn’t rain there in summertime.” No one knows...

World Trade on the Ropes

Brian Hicks
Posted August 4, 2006

In the boxing match of global commerce, the World Trade Organization is in a position to award championship belts. Unfortunately, though, the fighters too often walk away from the ring.

Ho...Ho ...Ho...These Homes have Got to Go

Brian Hicks
Posted July 31, 2006

Throw another Yule log on the fire, grab yourself another eggnog, and call the kids down to unwrap their presents. Sure it is a little hot outside, but it's never too early to be thinking about...

The Iceberg Looms

Brian Hicks
Posted July 26, 2006

In his Congressional testimony last week, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke set to the task of dutifully rearranging the deck furniture. Calm as ever he made no move whatsoever to the lifeboats and coolly...

The Oil War No One Sees Coming

Brian Hicks
Posted July 25, 2006

There is an oil crisis in the making in the Near East. Ethnic divisions and the international War on Terror are at play, and escalation means jeopardy to major supply routes. This is not Lebanon...

Waiting for the Next Wave

Brian Hicks
Posted July 21, 2006

The current situation in junior mining stocks reminds me of times when I enjoyed surfing as a young man. While there were moments of shear exhilaration as the waves would suddenly come alive, there...

Manifest Destiny: The Boots that Change the Landscape

Brian Hicks
Posted July 19, 2006

If the current mess in the Middle East leads to full scale regional war, Gilad Shalit’s brush with destiny will be remembered as the occurrence that started it all.

Beirut Burns, Oil Boils

Brian Hicks
Posted July 18, 2006

It's stifling here in Baltimore. Across the United States and throughout much of the world, summertime is making its full force felt and inspiring us to withdraw into the shade.

Looking at Long-Term Gold

Luke Burgess
Posted July 18, 2006

Gold dips nearly $40 an ounce in two days! But are we concerned? Not a chance pal. Gold's long-term fundamentals are positive and we remain as bullish as ever.