Wealth Daily Articles


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What Are People Thinking?

Brian Hicks
Updated July 14, 2006

So few investors seem to be paying attention or truly thinking about the many changes that are coming to our world. This amazes me and leaves me wondering, "What are people thinking out there?"

The Iceberg Looms

Brian Hicks
Updated July 26, 2006

In his Congressional testimony last week, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke set to the task of dutifully rearranging the deck furniture. Calm as ever he made no move whatsoever to the lifeboats and coolly...

A World in Chaos...Buy Gold

Brian Hicks
Updated August 18, 2006

As we look around us, the world is becoming an increasing dangerous place. Whether it is a war, a rumor of a war, terrorism, corrupt government action, insane financial risk, fiat currencies, trade...

Baghdad Bob Comes to Baltimore

Brian Hicks
Updated August 28, 2006

My hometown newspaper the Baltimore Sun just can't seem to make up its mind. Just last month the paper went to press with a three part story entitled "The Coming Housing Crunch." It was the epitome...

Manifest Destiny: The Boots that Change the Landscape

Brian Hicks
Updated July 19, 2006

If the current mess in the Middle East leads to full scale regional war, Gilad Shalit’s brush with destiny will be remembered as the occurrence that started it all.

Waiting for the Next Wave

Brian Hicks
Updated July 21, 2006

The current situation in junior mining stocks reminds me of times when I enjoyed surfing as a young man. While there were moments of shear exhilaration as the waves would suddenly come alive, there...

Ho...Ho ...Ho...These Homes have Got to Go

Brian Hicks
Updated July 31, 2006

Throw another Yule log on the fire, grab yourself another eggnog, and call the kids down to unwrap their presents. Sure it is a little hot outside, but it's never too early to be thinking about...

The Game Has Changed

Brian Hicks
Updated August 9, 2006

Baltimore, MD- Where once there were fortunes made only the weeds now grow. But it's not the weeds here that are so noticeable as it is the silence.

Housing's Ill-gotten Gains

Brian Hicks
Updated August 14, 2006

Honesty is the best policy. Twain knew this well. But unfortunately in the housing market the truth is often the first casualty of the bidding war.

Home Sales Down, Saint Statues Up

Brian Hicks
Updated August 23, 2006

At Ward's gift shop in Boston there has been a run on St. Joseph statues. In fact, they are selling so many that the owner, Donald Ward Cranely, is having a hard time keeping them on the shelves.

Fill 'er Up

Luke Burgess
Updated August 25, 2006

Average retail gasoline prices have fallen significantly since the beginning of the month and are now at multi-month lows. Here in the U.S., the engine fuel has dropped over 5% since August 4th...

Time to Buy Palladium

Brian Hicks
Updated September 11, 2006

While investors are very familiar with gold, silver and platinum, palladium is often overlooked when considering it as a precious metal for investment purposes.