Wealth Daily Articles


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Beatrice the Bellwether

Brian Hicks
Updated April 11, 2006

Scotland is in transition. A recently instituted smoking ban finds Edinburgh bars emanating stale sweat and baked potato essence instead of the pleasant-by-comparison nicotine stench. Meanwhile in...

Gasoline Soars Ahead Holiday Weekend

Luke Burgess
Updated April 14, 2006

With the holiday weekend upon us, retail gasoline prices are soaring across the nation as the crude oil market prices increase dramatically.

Hose Water is it, Anyway?

Brian Hicks
Updated April 17, 2006

England isn't generally thought of for its dearth of H2O. But as I watched a spokesman for Thames Water interviewed on the anomalous beach of a Sussex reservoir, I knew the land must be thirsty.

Three More Years of High Gas Prices

Luke Burgess
Updated May 1, 2006

On Friday, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that Iran failed to conform to a 30-day UN Security Council deadline to suspend uranium enrichment.

Manganese: Ancient Chinese Language or Precious Metal

Luke Burgess
Updated May 5, 2006

You may have never heard of it, but soon manganese may become one of the most sought after elements in the world.

Solid Copper Proof

Luke Burgess
Updated May 9, 2006

Copper prices took a break today from a bull run that has pushed up prices nearly 75% since the beginning of the year.

Big Brother Economics Update

Brian Hicks
Updated May 15, 2006

Big Brother doesn't just watch you. He's a bully too.

Nuclear Problems and Solutions

Brian Hicks
Updated May 22, 2006

Nuclear Power provides use with a reliable domestic power source, but new developments may now make it even better than it already is.

To Nationalize or Not to Nationalize

Luke Burgess
Updated May 23, 2006

Now that Bolivia has moved to nationalize their natural gas industry, will the country's mining industry be next?

al-Zarqawi: Cutting Off the Head Won't Kill the Body

Luke Burgess
Updated June 9, 2006

The U.S. has killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, one of al-Qaeda's most beloved leaders. In retaliation the terrorist organization will strike back hence pushing oil prices higher than they are today.

Enhanced Oil Recovery: Delaying the Catastrophe

Luke Burgess
Updated July 5, 2006

Little know fact -- Massive volumes of zero risk, technically recoverable domestic oil resources still remain undeveloped in the United States.

An "Uh-Oh" at the Top

Brian Hicks
Updated July 10, 2006

By all accounts, David Lereah is a smart man and he has the resume to prove it. As the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors he serves its chief spokesman and forecaster. Last...