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The Humpty Dumpty Effect

Luke Burgess
Posted August 15, 2005

Poor old Humpty was just relaxing, taking it easy on a wall one day. Maybe he was enjoying a smoke. Maybe he was checking out the lady eggs. Then all of a sudden... WHAM!! The poor schmuck falls off...

Dear Iran... We're Coming for a Visit

Luke Burgess
Posted August 12, 2005

Today crude-oil prices flew by its recent highs, past $65 and past $66, touching an all time high of $67.10 per barrel.

Conveniently Organic

Jeff Siegel
Posted August 10, 2005

Last weekend I took a trip to Ithaca, NY to visit some friends. The drive from Baltimore is roughly five and a half hours. So that equates to at least one bathroom break and fill-up each way. (Now...

Water: The New Bling

Luke Burgess
Posted August 9, 2005

Southwest Water Company shares were up over $0.70 by lunchtime today just under the company's 52-wk high.

Gold Miners Strike

Luke Burgess
Posted August 9, 2005

Over 100,000 South African gold miners stayed home Yesterday to protest against the region's mining industry. This is the country's first industry-wide strike in 18 years.

Crude Awakening

Luke Burgess
Posted August 8, 2005

I have a morning routine. When I walk into the office I grab a cup of joe, turn on my PC, check my email and then check oil prices.

A Season to Remember

Luke Burgess
Posted August 5, 2005

Say goodbye to 50. Oil is officially a senior citizen.

Commodities Corner

Luke Burgess
Posted August 2, 2005

Yesterday most commodities experienced a rally on the news that the Saudi Arabian King Fahd passed away. But I expect a continuing rally, especially in the gold market.

Oil and Gas Legislation

Luke Burgess
Posted August 1, 2005

On news that King Fahd of Saudi Arabia has died, the spot price of crude oil jumped over $1.50 breaking the recent price record.

High Oil Prices

Luke Burgess
Posted July 29, 2005

Two years ago many market analysts would have said that $60 would have caused an economic meltdown.

The Green Wave

Jeff Siegel
Posted July 29, 2005

In its first 3 years on the Nasdaq, naysayers and scared sheep mocked Whole Foods (WFMI - NASDAQ) as a random trend on a path towards mediocrity and 'easily-forgotten' status.

Cell Phone Towers

Luke Burgess
Posted July 28, 2005

Here's a quick brain-buster for you: Name one person you know, over the age of 18 and under 50, who doesn't have a cell phone.