Wealth Daily Articles



China, Vietnam, and the New Domino Theory

Brian Hicks
Updated September 5, 2006

Though I doubt he’ll land on the roof of the Hanoi embassy, US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s arrival in Vietnam this week is symbolic. Vietnam – vacated in bitterness by Marine helicopter...

Remember the Other Eleventh

Brian Hicks
Updated September 12, 2006

The news crawler on the morning of December 11, 2001 scooted across the bottom of the TV screen at its normal pace. The previous night's sports scores, some stock prices...Oh, and China was...

The EU's Dark Age

Brian Hicks
Updated November 7, 2006

Though the European Union has attempted to address topics of trade and economic sustainability as a solid front, a half-hour blackout this weekend laid bare the day-to-day frailties of the...

Slovenia Sniffs the Euro Rose

Brian Hicks
Updated January 9, 2007

Though it only turned a full five years old this January 1, the European common currency has blossomed. Now the euro's aroma is drawing the former captive nations of Eastern Europe - with Slovenia...

State of the Union - and the World

Brian Hicks
Updated January 23, 2007

Once a year, the President officially connects the branches of government through his words. In his 2007 State of the Union address, George W. Bush must convey a revamped vision of the world to a...

Taking Stock of New Global Markets

Brian Hicks
Updated February 6, 2007

Last week's announcement of a strategic alliance between the New York Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange wasn't just a handshake between peers - it was the opening bell of a new era of...

From the Sub-Prime to the Ridiculous

Brian Hicks
Updated March 16, 2007

Here in Santiago, Chile, the sun is bright. The future is also bright for the national economy of Chile, but as many U.S. investors homeowners are now learning, capitalism can bring cataclysm if...

Europe Adds to Central Asian Resource Frenzy

Brian Hicks
Updated April 26, 2007

With the specter of Russian dominance haunting European energy markets, the EU's problems pose a huge energy investment opportunity. This week, a group of European Union foreign ministers gathered...

"Growth" Is in the Eye of the Beholder

Brian Hicks
Updated May 4, 2007

It may come as a shock to many of you, but I too believe that we are experiencing a "Goldilocks" economy. But unlike most on Wall Street, I do not define this as economic growth that is neither too...

A Worthless Dollar?

Brian Hicks
Updated July 13, 2007

This week, bond rating agencies Moody's and Standard & Poor's finally announced downgrades on billions of dollars of bonds backed by sub-prime mortgages.

What a Difference a Week Makes!

Brian Hicks
Updated July 27, 2007

Last week, as the Dow breached the 14,000 mark for the first time, bullish swagger on Wall Street went into overdrive. Some of the bulls that I'm often pitted against on television used the occasion...

The Best Way to Invest in the Muslim World

Brian Hicks
Updated August 14, 2007

It's an underdog in emerging Asia and in the Islamic world too. Indonesia has the world's fourth-largest population, and is number one among predominantly Muslim states. Here's why you can't afford...