Wealth Daily Articles



Energy - It Depends!

Brian Hicks
Updated May 30, 2006

We've talked a great deal in Wealth Daily about energy independence and what it means for the 21st century energy economy. The idea is that each country should be able to stand on its own two feet...

Soft Landing Gear

Brian Hicks
Updated October 4, 2006

A robust trade in Russian-made counterfeit aircraft parts is worrying many in the aviation industry. Emerging markets can help secure a soft landing for the global economy as the US descends from...

Europe's Open Wound

Brian Hicks
Updated October 17, 2006

These days many investors look at world markets through one of two lenses: a telescope or a microscope. In the search for international opportunities, it is imperative not to gloss over the...

US Lands-World Soars

Brian Hicks
Updated December 5, 2006

Two reports issued in the recent weeks highlight the role that international markets play in moderating declining American economic growth.

Direct from Chile: Buzz-Saw Economics, Part 1

Brian Hicks
Updated March 21, 2007

SANTIAGO, CHILE: Twice in my life have I ever heard--let alone tolerated--the sound of power tools outside my bedroom at midnight. Once was in 2005, in Northern Tibet, China. The other time was this...

Oil Causes and Heals All Wounds

Brian Hicks
Updated April 5, 2007

A new path for petroleum is now in the works, as leaders of five southern European nations inked a deal Tuesday to build the so-called Pan-European Oil Pipeline. Not only the planned route is new:...

Markets of the Rising Sun

Brian Hicks
Updated August 21, 2007

It's a world where Wednesday night's news from Asia told me to expect a Thursday slide on Wall Street, but it took until Monday for Asia to absorb Thursday night's Fed cut. This is not the Twilight...

The Logic of Industrial Parenting

Brian Hicks
Updated October 27, 2005

Chinese InfoTech and the Logic of Industrial Parenting.

Justified Hype

Brian Hicks
Updated November 29, 2005

In my other life as a disc jockey, I've witnessed the rise of many previously unknown talents. Artists in every branch of music, from experimental noise to straightforward rock 'n' roll, depend on...

Communist China Saves Christmas

Brian Hicks
Updated December 13, 2005

Bill O'Reilly can't take it anymore. His nose is Rudolph-red over the "Happy Holidays" signs and "holiday trees" popping up around the country.

New "G" on the Block

Brian Hicks
Updated December 27, 2005

We here at Wealth Daily like to throw ideas around the office. The brilliant, the stupid, and the downright goofy - all have a place in the forum boxing ring.

The New Dynamic Duo

Brian Hicks
Updated January 13, 2006

In the Hindu faith, the god Krishna is also known as Jagganath. In religious processions, a statue of Krishna is placed on a large wagon, and devotees sometimes through themselves in front of the...