Wealth Daily Articles



The New Dynamic Duo

Brian Hicks
Updated January 13, 2006

In the Hindu faith, the god Krishna is also known as Jagganath. In religious processions, a statue of Krishna is placed on a large wagon, and devotees sometimes through themselves in front of the...

Money - It's a Gas

Brian Hicks
Updated May 2, 2006

In China, roads are being built. Other roads that have already been constructed are torn up and repaved. With an urban unemployment rate of 8%, the government has to have people do something...so...

Perched Precariously on a Precipice

Brian Hicks
Updated April 16, 2007

The dollar is no longer responding to traditional stimulants. Last week, despite the apparently "hawkish" tone in the recently released Fed minutes and trade deficit figures that were slightly less...

The TSX Venture Exchange

Brian Hicks
Updated July 20, 2007

TSX Venture listed companies were the beneficiaries of over CA$1 Billion in the month of June, bringing the total amount raised for 2007 to almost $6 Billion.

Fear, Desire, Death . . . and the Internet

Brian Hicks
Updated July 23, 2007

If I were to suggest that the mining industry owes its current robust condition to the Internet, the image of a horse's posterior might pop into your head. But bear with me, and see if you can’t be...

Bankruptcy Rumor Crashes Beazer

Brian Hicks
Updated August 2, 2007

True or not, rumors definitely have power, and the ongoing mortgage morass has produced them by the barrel-full lately. Unfortunately, in this case Churchill would be wildly off of the mark. Within...

Peak Oil is Here

Brian Hicks
Updated August 6, 2007

The world's most respected journal of economics has now officially acknowledged the advent of peak oil, validating (finally!) what we've been saying for years.

It's the Fundamentals, Stupid

Brian Hicks
Updated August 6, 2007

Amid the recent stock market weakness, the pundits are virtually unanimous in their claims that good underlying economic fundamentals are being trumped by irrational fear.

The Lurking Water Monster

Nick Hodge
Updated August 9, 2007

A sneak peak at the coming massive investment in water infrastructure, companies already making huge gains, and the unveiling of the Green Chip Water Index.

Surgical Robot Primed to Deliver 284% Returns in Two Years

Brian Hicks
Updated August 13, 2007

Of all of the problems to have in this world, a falling stock market is really nothing compared to the troubles of being diagnosed with cancer.

Like Lemmings Off a Cliff

Brian Hicks
Updated August 16, 2007

With so many lenders tumbling into the abyss these days, it's hard not to be reminded of that footage of a whole herd of lemmings jumping off a cliff. (Myth or no myth) I mean how else you can...

Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Nick Hodge
Updated August 20, 2007

A look at the progression of the solar industry. From bulky panels to flexible strips, the solar industry has come a long way. Get ready for the next solar innovation.