Wealth Daily Articles



Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Peak?

Keith Kohl
Updated December 22, 2006

The fact that global demand will rise year after year as our craving for oil continues isn’t questioned. One might assume the natural course of action would be to ramp up exploration in order to...

Regulators Order Fannie and Freddie to Comply with New Guidelines

Brian Hicks
Updated December 28, 2006

Watching the government do practically anything is often akin to watching molasses run down the hill in January. But like that slow running ooze it eventually manages to accomplish its feat. Nowhere...

A Not so Happy New Year: Another Sub-Prime Lender Cuts its Workforce

Brian Hicks
Updated January 4, 2007

The New Year got off to rough start for the employees of Mortgage Lender’s Network (MLN) yesterday, when the Connecticut-based sub-prime lender announced that it was no longer in the business of...

Greg McCoach's 2007 Outlook

Brian Hicks
Updated January 5, 2007

The brutal correction we experienced the second half of 2006 has now come to a close and the next phase of our bull market appears like it will open 2007 with a bang, taking metals prices much higher.

Giving Natural Gas Some Horns

Keith Kohl
Updated January 10, 2007

Baltimore, MD—Natural gas prices have taken a hard hit this year, but the future may make you rethink any ideas of leaving early.

What Your Loan Officer Doesn't Want You to Know

Brian Hicks
Updated January 11, 2007

Just for laughs, ask your mortgage broker what the yield spread premium (YSP) is on the loan he is doing for you and watch him squirm. Or better yet, go over some of your old settlement statements...

Low Risk Silver Investing

Keith Kohl
Updated January 12, 2007

I like gold. But I love silver. That's simply because since silver cost a fraction of gold, it has the ability to tack much large percentage increases during a bull market. In fact, in certain...

The Best Investment that Most Will Miss

Luke Burgess
Updated January 15, 2007

Indium: It's a metal that most folks have never heard of. But in today's high-tech economy, demand for this material is soaring in everything from thin-film solar panels to flat-screen TVs. The...

Study Finds Homes to be Unaffordable in Most U.S. Metro Areas

Brian Hicks
Updated January 18, 2007

During the bubblicious frenzy, the mantra of the real-estate crowd was as simple. Housing, they said, was nothing like stocks. And in a certain respect they were right. Because although I have never...

Is Congress Preparing for Peak Oil?

Keith Kohl
Updated January 22, 2007

The house unveiled its attack on big oil last week with the introduction of their new energy plan. Yet their plan seems as if it is preparing for a future after peak oil.

Job Security - President for Life

Brian Hicks
Updated January 24, 2007

Chavez has already announced his intention to have the constitution changed to permit him to run for a third term in 2012. Currently, any Venezuelan president is limited to two consecutive six-year...

The Home Building Slowdown

Brian Hicks
Updated January 25, 2007

The madness of the nation's housing bulls reached new highs this week as they continued to chortle that the show must go on. Desperate for fresh evidence that the boom still has legs, they even...