Are You Ready for Monkeypox Stocks?

Jason Williams

Updated September 12, 2024

Have you heard about monkeypox stocks yet? If not, I’m sure you’ve at least heard of monkeypox by now. Especially since earlier this week, the World Health Organization, or WHO, declared an outbreak of monkeypox sweeping across Africa a global health emergency. The organization only uses this term to describe “an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to other states through the international spread of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response.”

monkeypox stocks

The WHO reserves such statements for when it feels a situation has arisen that is “serious, sudden, unusual, or unexpected,” which “carries implications for public health beyond the affected state’s national border” and “may require immediate international action.” COVID started as one of those before being labeled a full-blown pandemic. And the money that the world threw at the companies helping battle that virus was astronomical. So investors might be wise to keep an eye on how this all plays out. Because if the response is similar, these companies could turn into some of the most profitable monkeypox stocks in the world…

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Monkeypox Stocks: Keeping Clean

Now, before you go getting too excited, I should point out that monkeypox is different from COVID. Monkeypox isn’t always as contageous or as dangerous. The most common strain is similar to chickenpox, where the vast majority of cases clear up in a few weeks without treatment. Unfortunately, the version causing the latest outbreak isn’t the weaker of the two. It’s one that can lead to death in as many as 25% of its victims. So, it’s definitly something to take seriously. That being said, monkeypox is similar to COVID in that it, too, is caused by a virus. And this virus, like COVID, is sensitive to certain household disinfectants. And the best way to prevent its spread is keeping things clean and sanitized. You can do that by washing things with soap and water and then disinfecting them with a bleach solution. To me, there’s one company that springs immediately to mind whenever anyone mentions bleach. And that’s Clorox Co. (NYSE: CLX).

monkeypox stocks clx

Clorox makes all of the things you AND global health organizations need to keep clean and help prevent the spread of monkeypox. You know it makes bleach to use at home, but did you know that it has an entire line of healthcare-focused cleaning and disinfecting products, too? Well, it does. It also has a whole segment dedicated to international sales of professional cleaning and disinfecting products. And because Clorox products are likely to see a lot of action keeping the world clean, Clorox Co. has to be on any list of monkeypox stocks.

Monkeypox Stocks: No Touching!

Something else the WHO and CDC both recommend to help stop the spread of monkeypox and keep yourself protected is to minimize skin-to-skin contact with people who may have been exposed. And the example the organizations give that really stuck out in my mind was music festivals, especially electronic ones. I don’t’ know if you’ve ever been to one, but there’s a lot of dancing, a lot of sweat, and very little clothing. They’re also pretty crowded, which makes them the perfect place for unintended skin-to-skin contact with a potentially infected person. So if things escalate, you might want to skip that massive end-of-summer music festival.

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And one company that could suffer a whole lot if more people come to the same conclusion is Liberty Media Corp. (NASDAQ: LSXMA). You see, Liberty Media owns a few different companies. And one of those is Live Nation Entertainment, the multinational concert and event promoter. Live Nation throws parties and festivals all over the world. And if folks decide to dial back the dancing in light of the monkeypox scare, Liberty Media could lose a big chunk of its revenues. You see, not all monkeypox stocks are ones that could benefit from increased sales. And this is one of the monkeypox stocks you might want to sell short.

Monkeypox Stocks: You’re Saying There’s Already a Vaccine!?

Yep. I definitely saved the best for last, if there is such a thing when you’re talking about monkeypox stocks. And it’s the company that owns, manufactures, and distributes the preferred vaccine for preventing monkeypox infection in the first place. Now, again, I’ll remind you that monkeypox typically clears up on its own and is similar to chickenpox in its symptoms. So you never know how many people will decide to get vaccinated. But there’s a chickenpox vaccine given to millions of kids every year. So there’s also no telling how many people will get it, if you get my drift. And that’s why it might just be worth your while to consider Bavarian Nordic A/S (OTC: BVNRY) for your list of monkeypox stocks.

monkeypox stocks bav

It’s a fully integrated biotechnology company that’s focused entirely on developing, manufacturing, and selling vaccines. And its smallpox treatment, JYNNEOS, is the preferred vaccine for preventing the current variation of monkeypox spreading through Africa. As you can see from the chart above, the stock’s already started to ramp up as investors anticipate some pretty big orders for its vaccine. But the shares are still nearly 50% lower than where they peaked in 2022. So there still could be more room for them to run. That’s why I’d put Bavarian Nordic on my list of top monkeypox stocks.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line here is that there’s literally a way you can potentially profit from every event you can imagine. Health emergencies are nothing to root for, but when they come, there’s no reason the corporations should reap all the financial rewards for fighting them. You can and should, too. It’s the same when it comes to these monkeypox stocks.

It’s similar for defense stocks, too. Nobody wants to make war. But wars get started nonetheless. And wars cost money. Money to make weapons. Money to purchase supplies. Money to treat injuries. Someone is getting paid that money. Why shouldn’t it be you?

So, since I’ve already given away the best monkeypox stocks by sharing the companies defending us against monkeypox, let me share some investments from that similar industry by offering this free report on profiting with the companies helping defend us against nearly everything else.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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