Wal-Mart is about to do it again.
Yesterday, the retail giant came within $0.20 of making an all-time record high.
This past July, WMT made a record high of $75.24…
Yesterday it traded at a high of $75.04.
It’s safe to say that Wal-Mart will eventually reach new levels — and based on the chart alone, Wal-Mart will probably be in record territory within the next two weeks:
If you’re keeping score at home, Wal-Mart is now up a mind-blowing 149,000% since going public back in 1972.
It’s up 25% year to date… and up almost 50% for the year.
When you look at the numbers, I don’t see any reason for Wal-Mart’s capital appreciation to end.
And the numbers are downright staggering…
In the past year, Wal-Mart has added 52 million square feet of retail space. That’s more than 1,000 units opened in the past year.
In total, Wal-Mart operates 10,130 retail units under 69 different names in 27 countries.
The company controls 1,037 billion square feet of retail space worldwide. In fact, Wal-Mart’s retail space is 56% bigger than Manhattan.
Wal-Mart logistics has the largest retail trucking fleet in the United States: 7,110 trucks, 55,761 trailers, and more than 7,000 drivers that go 700 million miles per year…
To put that into perspective, Wal-Mart trucks drive the equivalent of 1,465 round-trips to the moon (average earth/moon distance is 238,900 miles)…
Or 10 round trips to Mars when it is closest to Earth (distance of 33,926,856 miles)…
Or 1.8 one-way trips to Jupiter when it’s closest to Earth (distance of 391,000,000 miles).
Wal-Mart’s workforce is huge: 2.2 million employees — and growing daily.
In fact, the company employs more people than make up the population of these nations:
143 |
Namibia |
2,104,900 |
August 28, 2011 |
0.03% |
2011 census |
144 |
Latvia |
2,070,371 |
March 1, 2011 |
0.029% |
2011 census |
145 |
Macedonia |
2,059,794 |
December 31, 2011 |
0.029% |
Official estimate |
146 |
Slovenia |
2,058,170 |
September 13, 2012 |
0.029% |
Official population clock |
147 |
Botswana |
2,024,904 |
August 22, 2011 |
0.029% |
2011 census |
Its customer base is the envy of corporate America: About 100 million customers — nearly one-third of the U.S. population — visit Wal-Mart’s stores in the U.S. each week.
Globally, 200 million customers will visit a Wal-Mart and/or Wal-Mart-owned store each week.
You know me — I love putting these statistics into perspective and comparing them to easily understood metrics…
In terms of customer base, if Wal-Mart were a nation, its population would be bigger than:
5 |
Brazil |
193,946,886 |
July 1, 2012 |
2.76% |
Official estimate |
6 |
Pakistan |
180,655,000 |
September 13, 2012 |
2.57% |
Official population clock |
7 |
Nigeria |
166,629,000 |
July 1, 2012 |
2.37% |
UN estimate |
8 |
Bangladesh |
152,518,015 |
July 16, 2012 |
2.17% |
Official estimate |
9 |
Russia |
143,142,000 |
July 1, 2012 |
2.03% |
Official estimate |
10 |
Japan |
127,570,000 |
August 1, 2012 |
1.81% |
Monthly official estimate |
11 |
Mexico |
112,336,538 |
June 12, 2010 |
1.6% |
2010 census |
12 |
Philippines |
92,337,852 |
May 1, 2010 |
1.31% |
2010 census |
For the past 12 months, Wal-Mart has paid out $11.3 billion in dividends to its shareholders.
The $11.3 billion in dividends is like liquidating the entirety of Campbell Soup Company ($10.96B market cap), Alcoa ($10.27B market cap), Xerox ($10.12B), Western Union (11.28B), or Nordstrom (10.01B) — and giving it back to investors.
The $11.3 billion in dividends would be like giving away 1.3x Canada’s silver reserves every year (7,000 metric tons 11 x 35274 ounces per metric ton x $34.6 per ounce of silver = $8,543,362,800 est. value of Canadian reserves).
Wal-Mart’s dividend yield is 2.5% per year.
But I’ve found a unique way to boost Wal-Mart’s dividend by 100%…
So instead of getting a 2.5% dividend check from the retail behemoth, you’ll get over 5% — and you get that check every single month.
Don’t worry, this isn’t about options, futures, ETFs, or even DRIPs. It’s a very simple way to increase your dividend check.
I’ll show you how to do it here.
Forever wealth,
Brian Hicks
Brian is a founding member and President of Angel Publishing. He writes about general investment strategies for Wealth Daily and Energy and Capital. Brian is the managing editor and investment director of R.I.C.H Report (Retired Independent Carefree Healthy) and New World Assets. For more on Brian, take a look at his editor’s page.