"Black Lithium" Could Change the Battery Industry Forever

Alex Koyfman

Posted September 25, 2023

Dear Reader,

If you’re among the millions who have already decided that their next car is going to be powered by electrons instead of internal combustion, I have some sobering news for you. 

The electric vehicle revolution, as it’s been advertised and propagandized by both governments and industry, is far from a done deal. 

In fact, there is a very real and potentially catastrophic stumbling block that must be overcome before this mass decarbonization can take place. 

The problem isn’t a new one. In fact, it’s the same issue that the traditional auto industry faced when the automobile replaced the horse in the 20th century: scarcity of resources to drive millions upon millions of engines. 

Today, that problem is repeating itself. 

The single biggest concern for the electric vehicle industry is the rapidly growing deficit of available battery-grade lithium.

One look at this chart says it all:

MI Black Lithium Image 13

We need more than we have, and our needs increase every year. 

Because unlike oil, lithium feeds virtually everything in our lives. Not just cars and trains and ships, but also laptop computers, smartphones, residential power storage systems, and everything in between. 

So while the bright, emission-free future may look great on paper, the reality is very uncertain. 

Mining Won't Save Us

Now, new lithium discoveries are constantly taking place. A huge one  perhaps the biggest ever  happened just recently in the western U.S. along the Nevada/Oregon border. 

The McDermitt Caldera, an ancient remnant of the Yellowstone Supervolcano, is said to contain between 20 and 40 million tons of raw lithium — enough to supply global demand through to the middle of the century. 

Therein lies another issue: production lag. 

On average, it takes at least 10 years from discovery to finished product. At the McDermitt Caldera, this is likely to take even longer, as the project faces permitting challenges due to its status as a Native American sacred site.

Even if things move along as rapidly as possible, we will still be another decade into a growing shortage of the metal, so this solution is hardly a solution at all. 

But a real solution is quietly taking shape about 1,200 miles to the north… and its source may come as a true shock. 

Fracking liquid — the stuff used by oil and gas companies to squeeze fossil fuels out of the earth’s depths, has long been known to leech lithium.

"Black Lithium": Using Oil Infrastructure to Power Tomorrow's EVs

Unfortunately, there has been no practical method for pulling that lithium out of the solution. 

Quite recently, a small technology company launched by a group of experts from the petrochemical industry finally cracked the code on how to effectively filter this wastewater. 

Using its proprietary method, this company can process oil field brines quickly and efficiently, turning an essentially worthless liquid into billions of dollars' worth of salable lithium in weeks instead of years. 

MI Black Lithium Image 2

This company is not a mining company. Exploration and drilling is not part of its business model, as the lithium’s location and concentration is already well established. 

Rather, it’s a technology company with a unique, scalable process that can be applied to virtually any oil- and gas-bearing geology.

Now, since this is an investment newsletter, let me get to the most important part of this story. 

This company is young, small, and completely focused on this side of the business.

This Tech Company Could Be the Next Amazon

It has a pilot plant already in place and operating, and it's in the process of scaling up to commercial production — which is on pace to begin next summer. 

Today, the company is worth just $30 million (it trades publicly in both the U.S. and Canada), but it already has an agreement to process as much as $320 billion worth of lithium from just one property located in northwest Alberta. 

That gives this firm perhaps the greatest amount of upside of any company I’ve ever come across — and I come across quite a few of them. 

Even by conservative estimates, that $30 million valuation could climb into the billion-dollar range before the end of 2024. 

For now, things are quiet — which makes this company unique for yet another reason. 

Typically, companies at this stage of their life cycle tend to be anything but, as management does everything possible to raise awareness and interest from the investment community. 

With this one, management is the exact opposite because they know just how big of an idea they’re sitting on. 

The Lithium Revolution You've Never Heard Of

There is simply no way this will not be a game-changer for the lithium industry.

If I were you, I’d get the whole story before that happens, because very soon, we could see 10x market cap growth as just the beginning stages of this company’s evolution. 

In the long term, it’s almost impossible to say just how huge the opportunity is, but the chances of a buyout are very real. 

Want more information? Check out my presentation right here. 

It’s free, access is instant, and you don’t even need to register your email address. 

There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain… But time is not on your side here. 

Do all your due diligence right here, right now.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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