Bomb Control Failure? ISIS Fanboy Brings Explosives to Utah School

Alex Koyfman

Posted March 8, 2018

Two days ago, hundreds of Baltimore City high school students descended on City Hall to protest gun violence in the wake of last month’s shooting in Parkland, Florida. 

The message they were sending was clearly being received, as Baltimore mayor Catherine Pugh, went on the record saying: “We must get rid of guns on the streets of our city, especially illegal guns.”

The mayor went on to announce that the city would be sponsoring a 60-bus caravan to Washington, D.C., to contribute to the March for Our Lives demonstration later this month. 

Now, as much as I appreciate our mayor clarifying that she wants to focus on illegal versus legally owned firearms for her sweeps, and as much as I see the logic and practicality of allocating more than $100K from a city budget that can’t afford to heat its schools (there’s a GoFundMe campaign if you’d like to contribute) to send 3,000 teenagers into the Capital to make demands to a man most of these same people have been comparing to Hitler for the last couple years, there is one problem that none of these efforts will ever stand a chance of solving…

Gun Control? Or Violence Control?

You see, on the same day that these protests were raging, a 17-year-old kid in Utah brought a homemade bomb to school and attempted to detonate it. 

There were no injuries. The bomb never even went off. The school was evacuated, and the student in question was taken into custody, where investigators quickly came upon the motive: a bizarre fixation with ISIS. 

The story ended the way we want all of these stories to end. But this ending belies a problem that will not get solved by gun-control measures, no matter how far these measures are taken. 

Domestic terrorism of this variety is not new, and though less common than the kind involving firearms, it has the potential to do far more harm.

Case in point, Tim McVeigh, the all-time record-holder for mass murder in American history, was able to kill 168 people and destroy the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building with nothing more than common chemicals mixed with fuel additives and diesel. 

Everything he used was, and remains to this day, on unregulated sale throughout most of the 50 states. 

Gun-control proponents will be quick to point out that the potential threat of improvised explosive devices in no way decreases the need for more responsible gun control.

They will state that one problem does not affect the other, that guns kill far more people, and that we need to deal with these threats on a top-down basis, starting with selective bans and increased scrutiny during the buying process. 

Always the Same Start… Always the Same Conclusion

This is where the debate turns into a fight, as gun rights proponents see nothing but slippery slopes and an inevitable, unstoppable march toward confiscations and total disarmament. 

In the end, both sides call the other fascists, gun violence continues, improvised bombs remain a very viable option, and we are left no safer than we were before. 

There has to be a better, more direct way to affect public safety, without having to either limit or abolish constitutional rights, and without allowing the nation to descend into police-state status. 

Today, that answer has arrived in the form of technology. 

Imagine a method for sweeping for dangerous devices of all kinds, from edged weapons like knives and hatchets all the way up to improvised and military-grade explosives, without even forcing the would-be terrorist to submit to something like a metal-detector scan. 

It’s covert, it can cover large areas trafficked by large numbers of people, and its AI is powerful enough to distinguish between dangerous and everyday devices with an almost nonexistent margin of error. 

It sounds like it belongs in a science fiction movie, but this device is real, it works, and with every passing day, its algorithms are getting more and more refined. 

Once put into widespread use, these devices — each about the size of a family Bible — will forever do away with the long wait times and cumbersome inefficiencies of airport security and the like, replacing the process with a casual, seamless stroll through a designated coverage area.

It’s Beyond Innovative… It’s Transformative

No lines. No stress. No standing around barefoot and beltless, hoping somebody doesn’t grab your laptop at the other end of the conveyor. 

The brainchild of a small Canadian company, this device was cleared for commercial rollout in the U.S. last October. 

Today, the company is getting ready to start distributing its product globally. 

Chances are, within a few years, you will start seeing it everywhere, from schools to courthouses to outdoor public areas. 

Correction: You won’t start seeing it at all, but its presence and its effects will become apparent. 

And unlike the ineffective laws and regulations that we’re being offered by various legislators and high school student council representatives, this thing will work wherever it’s put into use. 

To get a complete, detailed profile on the company producing this device, click here.

In closing, let me leave you with this one tidbit to chew on. 

Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who was recently quoted saying, “The slogan ‘death to America’ is backed by reason and wisdom,” informed President Trump last week, via Twitter, that making guns illegal is the only way to curb gun violence. 

Our sworn enemy, a theocratic, murderous despot whose ultimate goal in life is to see radical Islam become humanity’s only culture, wants us to ban guns.

If this is the sort of wisdom we’re basing our policies on, then clearly our search for the answer is not over. 

To learn more about how cognitive microwave radar technology will bring us into a safer world tomorrow, click here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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