Wealth Daily's Top Copper Stocks to Buy

Jason Williams

Posted March 21, 2024

I’ve been writing to investors for years about copper stocks to buy. And for good reason, too. According to the experts, the world is going to be looking at a MASSIVE shortage in just the next few years:

top copper stocks to buy

We’re potentially looking at a copper shortage of 10 MILLION tons a year! And that’s why investors need to be buying copper stocks. But it’s also why investors need to know which copper stocks to buy.

So today, that’s exactly what I hope to help you accomplish with my short list of our top copper stocks to buy at Wealth Daily

Top Copper Stocks to Buy — #3. The Behemoth: Freeport McMoRan (NYSE: FCX)

If there’s an elephant in the room when it comes to copper stocks to buy, Freeport McMoRan is it. It’s the one of the biggest copper producers in the world and it’s been growing its operations for nearly a century.

It’s an American company with headquarters based in Arizona. And in 2023, it grew production by nearly 10%, to a whopping 4.2 BILLION pounds of copper. But production isn’t the only thing it grew. It also grew those juicy payouts it makes to shareholders every quarter:

top copper stocks to buy fcx

And that steady dividend growth combined with its position near the top of the industry makes Freeport one of the top copper stocks to buy for every investor.

Top Copper Stocks to Buy — #2. The Middleweight: Taseko Mines Ltd. (NYSE: TGB)

Next up on our list of top copper stocks to buy is a smaller operation out of our neighbor to the north, the mining experts in Vancouver, Canada. And while it may be MUCH smaller than our first copper stock to buy, what it lacks in size it makes up in potential.

Founded in 1966, Taseko Mines is what you’d call a mid-tier miner if you were an old hand in the industry. But for a small miner, it’s got pretty big operations. It owns and operates the second-largest open-pit copper mine in Canada and is in the planning stages for several others.

copper stocks to buy tgb

The company completed a modernization and expansion project in 2013 and expects to continue increasing production as the market demands more. This focus on growth and relatively small market cap make Taseko Mines one of the top copper stocks to buy for investors interested in the industry.

Top Copper Stocks to Buy — #1. The Mini Millionaire-Maker: Majuba Hill Copper Corp. (CSE: JUBA)

Finally, rounding out our list of the top copper stocks to buy to take advantage of the disconnect between supply and demand, we’ve got the smallest operation. But while it’s the smallest, it makes up for that in the potential for long-term profits.

Majuba Hill Copper Corp. is a nanocap copper exploration and production company. And it has full ownership and mining rights to a potentially massive find right next door to Tesla’s gigafactory in Reno, Nevada, called Majuba Hill.

copper stocks to buy juba

The company has been exploring the site and proving out the resource for the past couple of years. And every sample brings even better results with it to the surface. If this deposit turns out to be as big as the samples indicate it could be, this stock will absolutely skyrocket.

And it’s that potential for outsized gains that gives Majuba Hill Copper Corp. that illustrious spot at the top of our list of the best copper stocks to buy.

Get the Top Stocks to Buy BEFORE Everyone Else

Now, I wrote this article today because top copper stocks to buy is a trending search topic right now. But the thing is I’ve been singing their praises for years. And my investors got in on them early.

So while the rest of the world is just finally catching on to the coming rally in the copper market, my investors knew the top copper stocks to buy a few years ago. That’s when I first realized there was a massive shortage looming. And that’s when I started practically shouting from the rooftops, “These are the copper stocks to buy right now!”

Now, I’m not saying this to shame you for not listening to me then when I was telling you what copper stocks to buy. I’m reminding you because while the market is searching for top copper stocks to buy, my investors are loading up on the next investment to take the markets by storm.

So if you want to be invested already when the market is searching for the next trend like they’re searching for copper stocks to buy right now, I highly recommend you join my flagship advisory service, The Wealth Advisory.

Not only were my readers early when it came to knowing which copper stocks to buy, but they’ve been early on countless other investments that have scored them massive profits, too. They were early on cloud computing. They were early on artificial intelligence. They were early on cannabis. They were early on software as a service.

And they scored outlandish gains every single time:

copper stocks to buy before the crowd

So if you want to know what stocks people will be searching for next, take some time today and join our community of like-minded investors. Then you can stop searching for the top copper stocks to buy — because you’ll have bought them already.

I hope to see your name on my list when I send out my next recommendation.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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