Cuba: The Greatest Investment Opportunity of the 21st Century

Jeff Siegel

Posted September 22, 2015

An $80 humidor, $80 worth of cigars, and a bottle of rum…

This is what John Kerry brought back from Cuba following his recent visit, where he inaugurated the embassy in Havana.

I’ll be heading to Havana soon myself. But I’m not looking to score cigars and rum. I’m looking to uncover new opportunities for those who have the stones to invest in what may prove to be one of the greatest investments of the 21st century.

Although risk remains high in these early stages of relationship mending with Cuba, there is no doubt that some of the biggest companies on the planet have set their sights on the island nation. Some that have already set up shop include: AmericanExpress (NYSE: AXP), MasterCard (NYSE: MA), Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX), and Airbnb.

And of course, there are plenty more that have recently sent CEOs and management teams to get their boots on the ground in Havana.

Although Cuba has been open to plenty of other countries for years, it is the possibility of wealthy U.S. investors accessing this market that has so many folks ponying up for a piece of the Cuban dream — cigars, rum, and the chance to get in on the ground floor of what many consider to be a market ripe with opportunity for both the people of the U.S. and the people of Cuba.

Lay the Groundwork Now

If you want to know where to find opportunity in Cuba, you need to look no further than a report the Cuban government published last year, which actually details opportunities for foreign investors. These include the following…


Radial tires, aluminum cans, air conditioning equipment, commercial footwear, glass bottles, and glassware items.

Agro-Foods Sector

Vegetable production, soy processing confectionery goods production, and the production of instant dry yeast.

Biotech Sector

Vaccine production plant, homeopathic product production, a production plant for monoclonal antibodies, a production plant for oral solid medicines (tablets and capsules), plant for producing antiretroviral medicines, production plant for contraceptive products, blood-based products plant, plant to produce injectable medicines, and a penicillin-based antibiotics production plant.

Energy Sector

Installation and operation of photovoltaic solar farms.

If you are involved in any of these sectors, you would be wise to lay the groundwork now to capitalize on these opportunities.

Opportunity Waits for No One

For individual investors, the opportunities are less abundant and less clear.

But mark my words: They are coming. And just as we saw in the renewable energy space, when the bull market begins, it’ll come screaming out of the gate.

Biotechs, telecoms, ag plays, and renewable energy opportunities are going to be huge. But if you’re not gearing up to get in the game now, you might as well take your ball and go home. Because the line to Cuba grows longer by the day, and opportunity waits for no one.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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