Don't Tell Me About Your Kangaroos

Jason Williams

Posted March 14, 2022

Back in 2020, a couple of things happened. There’s the obvious. And then there’s what I’m talking about.

The two things I’m talking about are “analysts” on CNBC discussing a “kangaroo market” and a new guy starting at our parent company, Angel Publishing…

I Hate Fake News Terms

When you make a career in the financial markets, you learn really quickly that there’s a different language on Wall Street.

People talk about CUSIPs and ISINs and handles and marks and points. There’re far too many acronyms to even hope to shake a stick at, too.

So with all that legitimate jargon out there, I can’t stand it when people make up new words just because they don’t know the right one at the time.

That’s what “kangaroo market” is. It’s a made-up term that nobody really uses unless they’re at a loss for words on CNBC.

Every time I hear it or see it, I cringe a little and roll my eyes a lot.

But that’s not really important. What is important is what they’re defining by calling something a kangaroo market.

We all know that in a bear market stocks are heading down and in a bull market they’re heading up, right?

So, since kangaroos aren’t known for their steady gait, you’ve got to have guessed that’s a market where stocks are just bouncing up and down without any real direction.

It’s called volatility. It can be a a sign of both a healthy market and an unhealthy one. Right now I’d say it’s the latter. But again, that’s not important.

What is important is that you can make a ton of money in that kind of market if you’re willing to be an active trader.

I’m talking about a whole lot of money, too. And in a very short period of time.

But you’ve got to know when and where to invest.

And you’ve got to know how to maximize your profits through “leveraged” investing.

Give Me a Lever Big Enough

When I say leverage here, I’m not talking about trading on margin. So get that right out of your head.

I’m talking about the ability to leverage all the information out there on the market.

And I’m talking about the ability to make a very small bet and still cash out a very big profit.

Let me show you what I mean. Because we’re obviously in a very volatile market.

The other day, I got on a call around 3 p.m. and the Nasdaq was down about 3%. I got off the call just after the close and checked where it had finished: up 4%.

And when there are intraday swings of 7% in an index, there are tons of opportunities for profits everywhere. You don’t even need moves that big, to be honest.

But again, that’s if you know how to leverage your bets…

If you know how to do that, you can turn even a small swing in stock price into a massive gain on your investment.

And that’s where the guy that started working with me back in 2020 comes into the picture…

You’re Talking to My Guy All Wrong

So back to the other thing that happened in 2020 that’s stuck around ever since (again, not COVID)…

A couple of years ago, this new guy came into the office all loud, talking about the monster gains he’d been making thanks to all the volatility…

Now, I know you can make a good deal of loot trading choppy markets; I was still on Wall Street back in the late 2000s…

But this guy was talking about these crazy triple-digit gains he’d been pulling in just a day or a week.

And let me tell you, at the time, I didn’t believe him much further than I could throw him.

I’m not from Missouri, but I still need you to show me if you want me to think it’s real.

And show me he did!

Since I’m the kind of guy who can admit when I’m wrong (we’re a dying breed), here I am admitting it.

You see, over the past year, he’s been sharing his trades with some of our VIP members…

And he’s built an incredible track record that backs up nearly every outlandish claim he was making when I first met him.

(I’m still waiting to see the 100-pound catfish that “got away,” though.)

All joking aside, this guy put out 25 trade recommendations over the past 12 months.

And while he didn’t win them all…

The ones he did win he won so big that his average gain — across 25 trades mind you — is… wait for it…


That’s pretty impressive. Even to an old Wall Street guy like me.

So I wanted to introduce him to you today. His name’s Sean McCloskey and he’s one of the best traders I’ve ever met.

I was just doing the math before writing this, and if you’d put $1,000 into each of his 25 trades over the past year, you’d have invested $25,000.

I’m just kidding. I didn’t have to “do” that math. The math I did was to figure out the profits you’d have made off those trades…

Just putting $1,000 into each trade, you’d have come out with a final balance of $51,322.10 in your account.

And you wouldn’t have even had to risk a whole $25,000, technically.

It’s not like he had all 25 trades going at the same time for a full year.

Like I said, in volatile markets you can make a bunch of loot in just a day or two.

So, in a lot of cases, you could have closed a trade for a gain and then reinvested that $1,000 in the next trade and pocketed the profits.

Picker’s Paradise

The reason I’m bringing all this up today is that Sean recently agreed to share his strategy with a select group of folks…

And I was able to get a copy of that seminar to share with you.

But before I get to that, I just want to show you a recent example of how powerful his leveraging strategy can be…

Earlier this month, on March 8, the markets all closed down for the day after a wild ride up and down the charts.

The next day, March 9, they all opened about 2% higher. The S&P was up 2.04%. The Nasdaq jumped 1.92%. And the Dow matched the S&P at 2.04%.

And you could have bought an ETF tracking any of the three and made a couple percent as well.

Or you could have used Sean’s leveraged trading strategy and turned a 2.04% gain in the Dow into a 74.67% gain in your account.

You also could have used that method to turn a 2.04% pop in the S&P into a 109.45% profit for you.

And you could have made that little 1.92% pop in the Nasdaq a 118.88% spike in your portfolio.

It seems like an easy choice to me. You can have 2% or you can have 120%. Which would you prefer?

Those 2% gains would have netted you at most $20 in profit off a $1,000 wager.

But those leveraged gains could have scored you as much as $1,188.75 for each $1,000 you put on the line.

I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer to double my money 365 days a year.

That’s the power of Sean’s strategy. And I can understand if you don’t believe it at first. I didn’t.

But he’s proven that he can spot and deliver these kinds of gains week in and week out. It’s not a fluke.

A 105% average gain on 25 trades isn’t child’s play, and not many people can help you get there.

But Sean can.

So take a few minutes out of your day right now and check out this copy of the seminar I snagged for you.

It’s not going to cost you anything but a little time and it could help you make a fortune in no time.

But make sure you check it out soon, because it’s not going to be around long.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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