Elizabeth Warren Denounces Fed Audit

Brian Hicks

Posted February 19, 2015

warrenSenator Elizabeth Warren has recently announced her opposition to the “Audit The Fed” bill because according to her it would allow for too much “meddling” in monetary policy.

Ironic, huh?

Warren often pays lip service to taking power away from big banks and the corporate establishment, but in reality she is just another politician with impeccable manipulation skills.

Last month, Senator Rand Paul re-introduced the “Audit The Fed” bill which would open up the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy to a congressional audit.

It is true that auditing the Federal Reserve is a move that is far too little far too late, but the recent “Audit The Fed” bill is at least a symbolic statement against central banking in the United States. The bill would also open the door for some small changes to be made to the Federal Reserve, although these changes don’t go nearly far enough.

However, Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to prevent this bill because it could possibly make too many changes to the central banking system. She seems to be happy with the Federal Reserve just the way it is.


Last week, Warren made a statement saying that the proposed legislation was “dangerous.”

“I strongly support and continue to press for greater congressional oversight of the Fed’s regulatory and supervisory responsibilities, and I believe the Fed’s balance sheet should be regularly audited – which the law already requires, but I oppose the current version of this bill because it promotes congressional meddling in the Fed’s monetary policy decisions, which risks politicizing those decisions and may have dangerous implications for financial stability and the health of the global economy,” Warren said.

In other words, she wants central banking in America, and in the rest of the world to remain exactly as it is. Additionally, her comments also reveal that she does not want central banking to become a mainstream or “politicized” issue.

Warren’s comments were echoed by White House officials, who also believe that this bill is “dangerous.” Jason Furman, chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers recently spoke out against the bill, calling it “somewhere between superfluous and highly counterproductive.”

“What that bill is about is Congress supplanting its judgment as to what monetary policy should be. Congress shouldn’t be telling the Fed what to do with monetary policy,” he said in an interview with Bloomberg.

As it stands right now, no one actually tells the fed what to do about monetary policy, they do exactly what they want to do according to their own interests.

Central bankers agree with Warren as well.

Just this week Federal Reserve governor Jerome Powell said that the bill “risks inserting the Congress directly into monetary-policy decision making, reversing decades of deliberate effort by the Congress to insulate the Fed from political pressure in carrying out its day-to-day duties.”

The vast majority of the political establishment seems to be absolutely terrified of any changes coming to the world of central banking, and Elizabeth Warren is no different.

Despite her favor among mainstream liberals, Warren has proven herself to be an enemy of freedom. In the past, Warren has spoken in favor of drug prohibition, gun prohibition, and war in the middle east. 

She has consistently voted for military aid and military intervention in the middle east, especially in matters concerning Israel and Iran. Just months ago, Warren voted to give an additional $225 million in military funding to Israel, and she has suggested in many interviews that “no option is off the table” for Iran, implying that she would be open to the use of nuclear weapons against the country.

Warren’s positions on domestic policy are equally disturbing, and it is surprising that anyone actually believes that this woman cares about the average citizen. Warren exposed herself as a prohibitionist and gun grabber in a single breath last year at a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast in South Boston.

While speaking of a political opponent she said,”I advise everyone to pay very close attention to Dan Winslow’s platform. He has a 100 percent ranking from the gun lobby and he’s for the legalization of marijuana. He wants us armed and stoned.”

Despite her many blatant attacks on freedom, Warren has become one of the most popular liberal politicians in the country, and will likely be set up as a presidential candidate, if not in this election, definitely in the next one.

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